Optimized workplace reduces real estate costs and boosts employee productivity and satisfaction.

Article Summary:

As in many enterprise work environments, the majority of Cisco employees are accustomed to working in standard office cubicles that promote heads-down, solitary work. Cisco Workplace Resources and Cisco IT joined forces to design a flexible work environment that would make employee collaboration and communication easier and heighten productivity. The Cisco Connected Workplace features an open, flexible layout and functional furniture, and relies on Cisco products and technologies including IP telephony, Cisco IP Phone Extension Mobility, Cisco IP Communicator, and wireless LAN mobility. The new design not only improved employee satisfaction, but also reduced real estate and equipment costs.

This case study details the design, technologies, and benefits of the Cisco Connected Workplace, including:

  • Cost savings in real estate, furniture, workplace services, and IT equipment
  • The flexibility built into the furniture and layout choices
  • Requirements on the wireless infrastructure of a more mobile workforce

View the Cisco Connected Workplace Tour Video. (MEDIA)

To read more about the challenge, results, lessons learned and the next steps, please choose the link below to download the complete Case Study in PDF format, or in PPT format for presentations to others.

Connected Workplace POC Case Study - Executive Summary PDF (PDF - 119 KB)

Connected Workplace POC Case Study PDF (PDF - 756 KB)

Connected Workplace POC Case Study - Presentation PDF (PDF - 685 KB)

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