Fifteen years ago, Cisco promised we would help change the way the world works, lives, plays, and learns. Today we are much closer to realizing that vision. We now have an unprecedented opportunity to improve how people conduct and organize their lives, and also how they interact with their communities and the environment.

The conversations I have with business, community, and political leaders keep returning to the same central issue: How should we prepare ourselves and the next generation for the future in the face of economic, social, organizational, and climate change? Cisco is working not only to transform networks, but also to transform how we think about and use networks to meet the challenges of that fast-approaching future that concerns us all.

At Cisco we are using our unique capabilities to drive initiatives that really make a difference in the world. With network-enabled innovation and collaboration, we can help transform how education is structured and delivered, thereby raising standards of living. We can help transform how societies provide services and benefits to their citizens. We can help transform how we impact the ecosystem. And we can help transform how quickly and effectively we and our customers respond to change—in the marketplace and the global community.

We aspire to be one of the best companies in the world, and part of that goal is becoming one of the best companies for the world. This Corporate Social Responsibility Report offers an overview of the responsible business practices and social investments that together enable us to create long-term value for our business and for society.