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Community Activity

Upgrade ASA 5545 from 9.12 to 9.14?

We are planning to upgrade our cisco ASA with 9.12x  and regarding services we have HA, VPN, NAT I have read that ASA 9.12(x) was the final version for the ASA 5512-X, 5515-X, 5585-X, and ASASM, so for ASA 5545 better go with 9.14? Both versions ar...

seahorse by Level 1
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Buscando entender melhor a nota do exame final

Olá a todos! Tudo bem?Recentemente finalizei o curso de introdução à cibersegurança e quero entender a nota do exame final. Mesmo acertando todas as 15 questões, a minha porcentagem congelou em 87%, fazendo com que a minha média final ficasse menos q...

O que é a Infraestrutura como serviço

O que é infraestrutura como serviço (IaaS) e como ela pode servir de grande utilidade?     Hoje vou apresentar para vocês um dos modelos fundamentais de serviços em nuvem: O IaaS (Infraestrutura como serviço).    O modelo IaaS (infraestrutura como s...


Demo Site for Learning

I am taking the self paced course for ECMS-1. However, the pre-recorded class requires us to follow along as the instructor add devices, etc. Where does a student go to get access to devices so we can follow the class?

Can we generate report from FDM like FMC

Hi,Can we generate any report (Events,Session) in FDM like FMC? We have applied Intrusion and Malware policy. And it's a good that it is blocking. But from the event log of any 'Block' action we can see only Initiator IP and Responder IP but there is...

King_1988 by Level 1
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C1111-8p router

Is the cisco c1111-8p router good to study for a CCNP exam? Can someone please help me?

FTD Route Based VPN

Hi We have to configure a RB VPN and am wondering if I add the new VTI Interface to The exsisting outside security group or do I have to create a new security group, the outsdide Security group has the Internet facing Interfaces in it.??Thanks 

Passing Subject of an email to the "TaskRouted" flow

I am working on a pop-up link for an email channel, when an email comes in, I would like to pass the Subject line of the email to the "TaskRouted" flow where I could use the Subject line content to pop-up a web link. Please Help.

Grammarly and ChatGPT Access

Hello,Both the Grammarly and ChatGPT sites are accessible, however, the WSA will not allow us to use the them properly. In the case of ChatGPT, if you try to open a document, the error shown is, "Can't connect to Grammarly. your network configuration...

DamianRCL by Level 1
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Wsa with radware load balancer

Hi anyone using radware as loadbalancer for wsa? Do we need to change anything in wsa side? We have given radware LB vip in the proxy settings of users but request is not reaching WSA.anyguide is available for the configurations. 

DK9 by Level 1
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MFA twice to MFA once per laptop location

Morning All:I am deploying laptops with MFA to log into the laptop as a security protection.  I want to remove the current need to MFA into the Remote Server.  Primarily this causes frustration on the part of the end user.  I am unable to locate a se...

pdz by Level 1
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SDN Controller

In an SDN architecture, which function of a network node is centralized on a controller?I. Creates the IP routing table Most Voted II. Discards a message due filteringIII. Makes a routing decision Most Voted IV. Provides protocol access for remote ac...