Cisco CallManager Serviceability System Guide, Release 4.1(3)

Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z



administrators, CAR 14-6

Alarm configuration checklist 7-11

Alarm definition checklist 7-12


applications using registry-based alarm interfaces 7-8

configuration overview 7-2


catalogs 7-6

definitions window 7-10

described 7-6

editing 7-8

event properties window 7-9

example 7-8

described 7-1

destinations 7-3

event levels 7-4

Event Viewer 7-3

filters 7-4

monitors 7-3

NT Event Viewer 7-3

overview 7-1

SDI trace library 7-3

SDL trace library 7-3

Syslog 7-3

viewing information

overview 7-6

alert menu 9-26

alert notification


for a counter 9-49


for counter 9-49

window 9-50

message 9-49

schedule 9-49

thresholds 9-49


described 1-5

application menu 9-33

authenticate and show CAR pages 14-20


Bulk Trace Analysis

checklist 13-2

list of topics 13-1


call activities category 9-5

Call Detail Records (CDR) 20-2

call process activity monitoring 9-39


administrators, managers, users 14-6

CDR search

overview 14-17

checklist 14-21

described 14-2

device reports

overview 14-13

list of topics 14-1

system configuration 14-6

system reports

overview 14-11

user reports 14-9

category tabs

Real-Time Monitoring Tool 9-46

CCM_SNMP_MIB counters A-1


access CDP driver control 22-2

advertisement support 22-1

alter CDP setting 22-2

checklist 22-3

Cisco device support 22-1

default settings 22-2


system prerequisites 22-2

usage 22-2

install CDP protocol driver 22-3

list of topics 22-1

locate updated driver 22-3

periodic messages 22-1

protocol driver

installing 22-3

settings 22-2



set up 20-2


CAR 14-17

CDR analysis and reporting

general information 14-8

internationalization 14-19, 14-20, 14-21


understanding 14-2



adding 9-49

described 9-47

performance monitoring 9-48

Cisco ACB Device

perfmon object C-2

Cisco Analog Access

perfmon object C-4

Cisco Annunciator Device

perfmon object C-5

Cisco CallManager

perfmon object C-5

Cisco CallManager

object counters (figure) 12-2

Syslog components 21-3

Cisco CallManager service 3-1, 3-2

overview 1-1

Cisco CallManager System Performance

perfmon object C-20

Cisco CDR Insert service 3-2

Cisco CTI Manager

perfmon object C-26

Cisco CTIManager service 3-7

Cisco Database Layer Monitor service 3-3

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 19-3

list of topics 22-1

Cisco Extension Mobility

perfmon object C-27

Cisco Gatekeeper

perfmon object C-27

Cisco H.323

perfmon object C-28

Cisco Hunt Lists

perfmon object C-29

Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device

perfmon object C-31

Cisco IP Manager Assistant Service

perfmon object C-32

Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service 3-6

Cisco Lines

perfmon object C-33

Cisco Locations

perfmon object C-34

Cisco Media Streaming Application

perfmon object C-35

Cisco Messaging Interface

perfmon object C-45

Cisco Messaging Interface service 3-6

Cisco MGCP BRI Device

perfmon object C-47

Cisco MGCP FXO Device

perfmon object C-48

Cisco MGCP FXS Device

perfmon object C-49

Cisco MGCP Gateways

perfmon object C-49

Cisco MGCP PRI Device

perfmon object C-51

Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device

perfmon object C-52

Cisco MOH Audio Translator service 3-7

Cisco MOH Device

perfmon object C-53

Cisco MTP Device

perfmon object C-56

Cisco Phones

perfmon object C-57

Cisco QSIG features

perfmon object C-58

Cisco RIS Data Collector service 3-7

Cisco Secure Telnet

checklist 16-4

design 16-2

list of topics 16-1

structure 16-3

system design 16-2

system diagram 16-3

Cisco SIP

perfmon object C-59

Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device

perfmon object C-60

Cisco Syslog Analysis

Cisco Syslog Analyzer 21-1

Cisco Syslog Analyzer Collector 21-1

Cisco Syslog Analyzer Collector

function 21-3

process 21-3

stopping and starting 21-3

Cisco Syslog Analyzer described 21-3

Cisco TcdSrv

perfmon object C-62

Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher service 3-6

Cisco TFTP Server

perfmon object C-64

Cisco TFTP service 3-3

Cisco Transcode Device

perfmon object C-68

Cisco Video Conference Bridge

perfmon object C-69

Cisco WebDialer

perfmon object C-71


adding devices 21-2

Campus Manager 20-1

checklist 19-4

device information displayed 21-2

list of topics 19-1

requirements 19-2

SNMP requests 21-4


show.exe 17-1

show command

list of topics 17-1

conference bridges counter information (table) A-15



overview 7-2

configuration checklist

Alarm configuration 7-11

Alarm definition 7-12

Bulk Trace Analysis 13-2

CAR 14-21

CDP 22-3

Cisco Secure Telnet 16-4

CiscoWorks2000 19-4

Microsoft Performance 12-3

path analysis 20-2

performance monitoring 9-52

Q931 translator 8-12

Real-Time Monitoring Tool window 9-13

SNMP 18-6

system log management 21-5

Trace analysis 8-11

Trace collection 8-11

Trace configuration 8-9

troubleshooting trace setting 8-13

Control Center

list of topics 6-1

service status 6-2

status icons 6-3

stop or start a service described 6-3

conventions xxi


add a counter to monitor 9-49


chart view 9-47

Cisco CallManager 2-1

conference bridge-related information (table) A-15

configure alert notification 9-49

CTI-related information (table) A-14

data sample 9-51

gateway-related information (table) A-3

H.323-related information (table) A-12

Microsoft PerfMon A-1

MOH-related information (table) A-17

monitoring performance 12-2

MTP-related information (table) A-16

object (figure) 12-2

perfmon 2-1

phone-related information (table) A-2

properties 9-50

Real-Time Monitoring Tool A-1

similarities 2-5

table view 9-47

voice-mail-related information (table) A-13

zoom 9-50


counter information (table) A-14

CTI monitoring 9-45

CTI search 9-21

customizing reports for automatic generation 14-15


data sample, Real-Time Monitoring Tool 9-51

debug trace levels

Trace configuration filter settings 8-8

Trace configuration output settings 8-9


alarms 7-6

serviceability 1-6

described C-2, C-4, C-5, C-20, C-26, C-27, C-28, C-29, C-31, C-32, C-33, C-34, C-35, C-45, C-47, C-48, C-49, C-51, C-52, C-53, C-56, C-57, C-58, C-59, C-60, C-62, C-64, C-68, C-69, C-71

device menu 9-24

device monitoring 9-45

device reports, CAR 14-13

devices category 9-3

device search 9-18


audience xviii

conventions xxi

organization xviii

purpose xvii


related xxi


CDP driver

control 22-2

locating interface files 22-3

locating updated CDP driver 22-3

using 22-2

CDP protocol

installing 22-3

CDP system prerequisites 22-2


edit menu 9-22

enabling reports for automatic generation 14-15

event levels for alarms 7-4

event log, generating 14-6


features, remote network management 19-2

filters, alarms 7-4



counter information (table) A-3


H.323 counter information (table) A-12

help menu 9-33


internationalization for CDR analysis and reporting 14-19

IP path analysis 19-2

IP Phone Problem Reports

information included 10-2


logon page 14-20


Management Information Base (MIB) 18-2

managers, CAR 14-6


CDP 22-1

Syslog 21-4


control of CDP driver 22-2

defined 18-2

enable device discovery 22-2

Microsoft PerfMon

counters A-1

Microsoft Performance

checklist 12-3

list of topics 12-1


counter information (table) A-17



add a counter 9-49

CiscoCallManager 12-1

Real-Time Monitoring Tool 9-48


monitor menu 9-16

monitors, alarms 7-3

MTP counter information (table) A-16


NT Event Viewer 7-3


objects, Cisco CallManager 2-1

options checklist, remote serviceability 15-2

organization xviii


error and event logs 14-6

of Cisco CallManager 1-1

of remote serviceability 1-3

of serviceability 1-1, 1-2


path analysis

checklist 20-2

list of topics 20-1

operation 20-1

trace 20-1

PathTool 19-2


counters 2-1

counter similarities 2-5

perfmon counters C-47, C-48

perfmon menu 9-25

perfmon monitoring 9-45


data structure 12-2


CiscoCallManager 12-1


objects and counters 12-2


function 12-1

statistics monitor and display 12-1

performance monitoring

checklist 9-52

Performance Objects and Counters

described C-1

perfmon counters 2-1

performance objects and counters, described 2-1

permon counters C-2, C-4, C-5, C-20, C-26, C-27, C-28, C-29, C-31, C-32, C-33, C-34, C-35, C-45, C-49, C-51, C-52, C-53, C-56, C-57, C-58, C-59, C-60, C-62, C-64, C-68, C-69, C-71

Phone Problem Reports Viewer

device management 10-6


counter information (table) A-2

polling intervals

sample rate 9-47

prerequisites, CDP driver system 22-2

properties, counter 9-50


Q931 translator checklist 8-12, 8-13

Quality Report Tool

list of topics 10-1

understanding 10-1


Real-Time Information Server (RIS) data collector 18-6

Real-Time Information Server overview 3-7

Real-Time Monitoring Tool

alert action configuration 9-57

alert customization 9-53

alert summary report 11-20

call activities report 11-15

category tabs, described 9-46

chart view 9-47

checklist 9-13

Cisco serviceability reports archive 11-3

configure alert notification for counter 9-49

counter properties 9-50


add 9-49

alert notify 9-49

chart view 9-47

data sample 9-51

monitor 9-49

properties 9-50

table view 9-47

zoom 9-50

data samples 9-51

default configuration 9-11

device statistics report 11-4

directory servers 9-44

list of topics 9-1

logging and report generation

alert log 9-60

call log 9-62

device log 9-64

logger 9-59

perfmon log 9-65

server log 9-61

service log 9-61

logging in RIS 9-59

logon 9-9

menu bar 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, 9-22, 9-24, 9-25, 9-26, 9-32, 9-33

monitoring objects 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5

monitor performance 2-3, 9-48

overview 9-2

performance monitoring

described 2-3

window 9-48

polling interval 9-47

preconfigured alerts 9-58

remove chart/table entry 9-48

sample rate 9-47

search menu 9-18, 9-21

server statistics report 11-8

service parameters 9-7

service statistics report 11-11

status bar 9-11

table view 9-47


displayed 9-11

menu bar 9-14

monitor window 9-34

alert tab   1

view tab   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

overview 9-11

window components 9-14

zoom a counter 9-50

related documentation xxi

remote access methodology 16-2

remote network management features 19-2

remote serviceability 1-3

checklist 15-2

list of topics 15-1

tools 1-3

tools and programs 15-1

reporting tools 1-5

reports 14-21

customizing for automatic generation 14-15

enabling for automatic generation 14-15

user, CAR 14-9


of CiscoWorks2000 19-2

resource usage

view directory server status 9-44

RIS data collector 18-6


sample rate 9-47

SDI log files, overview 4-4

SDL log files, overview 4-4

search menu 9-17

security, firewall integrity 16-2

servers category 9-4

server status monitoring 9-36


Cisco CallManager 3-2

Cisco CDR Insert 3-2

Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) 3-7

Cisco CTIManager 3-7

Cisco CTL Provider 3-3

Cisco Database Layer Monitor 3-3

Cisco Extended Functions 3-2

Cisco Extension Mobility 3-5

Cisco IP Manager Assistant 3-4

Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application 3-6

Cisco Messaging Interface 3-6

Cisco MOH Audio Translator 3-7

Cisco RIS Data Collector 3-7

Cisco Serviceability Reporter 3-4

Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher 3-6

Cisco TFTP 3-3

Cisco WebDialer 3-5


alarms 1-2

analyzing tools, overview 4-3

Cisco CallManager services 3-1

control center 1-2

definitions 1-6

device monitoring tools, overview 4-2

introduction 1-1

list of topics 1-1

performance monitoring tools, overview 4-2

real-time monitoring 1-2

remote 1-3

remote serviceability tools 15-1

reporting tools 1-5

SDI, overview 4-4

SDL, overview 4-4

service activation 1-2

terms 1-6


log files 4-3

overview 4-1

trace 1-2

Serviceability Reports Archive

described 11-1

Service Activation

delete services 5-4

list of topics 5-1

service installation 5-3

service status 5-3

understanding 5-1

view status described 5-4

service monitoring 9-43

Cisco TFTP 9-44

directory servers 9-44

heartbeat feature 9-44

service parameters 11-3


checking status using Control Center 6-2

checking status using Service Activation 5-3

status icons 6-3

stopping or starting 6-3

viewing status 5-4

services category 9-5

show command

list of topics 17-1

syntax 17-1

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 18-1


agent, enabling 21-4

agent defined 18-4

basics 18-2

checklist 18-6

community strings 18-4

defined 18-1

implementation diagram 18-5

MIB 18-2

remote monitoring with 18-1

RIS data collector 18-6

support 19-3

traps 18-3


status bar 9-11

summary 9-35


show command 17-1


analyzer 19-2

collector 19-2

configuring components 21-3

direct messages 21-4



components (figure) 21-2

described 21-1

system, CAR 14-6

system logging

components (figure) 21-2

described 21-1

system log management 19-2

checklist 21-5

list of topics 21-1

system menu 9-15

system reports, CAR 14-11


Telnet, Cisco Secure

design 16-2

list of topics 16-1

structure 16-3

system design 16-2

system diagram 16-3

terms, serviceability 1-6



described 8-6

collection procedure B-3


described 8-2

filter settings 8-8

output settings 8-9

configuration verification procedure B-2

example B-1

list of topics 8-1

overview 8-2

Q931 translator

described 8-6

reviewing results B-4

setup procedure B-3

trace collection tool

described 8-4

troubleshooting example B-1

troubleshooting trace setting

described 8-7

Trace analysis checklist 8-11

Trace collection checklist 8-11

Trace configuration checklist 8-9

traps, SNMP 18-3


user reports, CAR 14-9

users, CAR 14-6


voice mail counter information (table) A-13


window menu 9-32


device monitoring 9-11


sample rate 9-47

performance monitoring 9-11

Real-Time Monitoring Tool

checklist 9-13

displayed 9-11

overview 9-11

status bar 9-11


zoom a counter 9-50