Cisco MDS 9000 Family Configuration Guide, Release 2.x
Before You Begin

Table Of Contents

Before You Begin

About the Switch Prompt

Default Switch Roles

About the CLI Command Modes

CLI Command Hierarchy

EXEC Mode Options

Configuration Mode

Configuration Mode Commands and Submodes

CLI Command Navigation

Getting Help

Command Completion

File System Completion

The no and Default Forms of Commands

CLI Command Configuration Options

Displaying the Switch Configuration

Saving a Configuration

Clearing a Configuration

Displaying Users

Sending Messages to Users

Using the ping Command

Using the Extended ping Command

Using traceroute

Setting the Shell Timeout

Displaying VTY Sessions

Clearing VTY Sessions

Setting the Terminal Timeout

Setting the Terminal Type

Setting the Terminal Length

Setting the Terminal Width

Displaying Terminal Settings

Configuring the Switch Banner Message

About Flash Devices

Internal bootflash:

External CompactFlash (Slot0:)

Formatting Flash Devices and File Systems

Initializing Internal bootflash:

Formatting External CompactFlash

Using the File System

Setting the Current Directory

Displaying the Current Directory

Displaying File Checksums

Listing the Files in a Directory

Creating a Directory

Deleting an Existing Directory

Moving Files

Copying Files

Deleting Files

Displaying File Contents

Saving Command Output to a File

Compressing and Uncompressing Files

Displaying the Last Lines in a File

Executing Commands Specified in a Script

Setting the Delay Time

Before You Begin

This chapter prepares you to configure switches from the CLI. It also lists the information you need to have before you begin, and it describes the CLI command modes.

This chapter includes the following sections:

About the Switch Prompt

Default Switch Roles

About the CLI Command Modes

CLI Command Hierarchy

CLI Command Navigation

About Flash Devices

Formatting Flash Devices and File Systems

Using the File System

About the Switch Prompt

Note Refer to the Cisco MDS 9200 Series Hardware Installation Guide or the Cisco MDS 9500 Series Hardware Installation Guide for installation and connection instructions.

Once the switch is powered on successfully, you see the default switch prompt (switch#) as shown in Example 2-1.

Example 2-1 Output When Switch Boots Up

Auto booting bootflash:/boot-279 bootflash:/system_image;...
Booting kickstart image:bootflash:/boot-279....
............................................Image verification OK
Starting kernel...
INIT: version 2.78 booting
Checking all filesystems..... done.
Loading system software
Uncompressing system image: bootflash:/system_image
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
<<<<<<SAN OS bootup log messages>>>>>>

         ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
the system. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity for
management of the system.
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
<<<<<<after configuration>>>>>>

switch login:admin101
Cisco Storage Area Networking Operating System (SAN-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or other third parties and are used and
distributed under license. Some parts of this software are covered
under the GNU Public License. A copy of the license is available

You can perform embedded CLI operations, access command history, and use command parsing functions at this prompt. The switch gathers the command string upon detecting an Enter (CR) and accepts commands from a terminal.

Default Switch Roles

By default, two roles exist in all switches:

Network operator—Has permission to view the configuration.

Network administrator—Has permission to perform all functions and to set up to 64 permission levels based on user roles and groups.

When you execute a command, perform command completion, or obtain context sensitive help, the switch software allows the operation to progress if you have the correct permission as specified in the description of the command. see Chapter 26, "Configuring Users and Common Roles."

About the CLI Command Modes

Switches in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family have two main command modes—user EXEC mode and configuration mode. The commands available to you depend on the mode you are in. To obtain a list of available commands in either mode, type a question mark (?) at the system prompt.

Table 2-1 lists and describes the two commonly used modes, how to enter the modes, and the resulting system prompts. The system prompt helps you identify which mode you are in and hence, which commands are available to you.

Table 2-1 Frequently Used Switch Command Modes

Description of Use
How to Access


Enables you to temporarily change terminal settings, perform basic tests, and display system information.

Note Changes made in this mode are generally not saved across system resets.

At the switch prompt, enter the required EXEC mode command.


Configuration mode

Enables you to configure features that affect the system as a whole.

Note Changes made in this mode are saved across system resets if you save your configuration. See the "Saving a Configuration" section.

From EXEC mode, enter the config terminal command.


You can abbreviate commands and keywords by entering just enough characters to make the command unique from other commands. For example, you can abbreviate the config terminal command to conf t.

Note Do not enter percent ( % ), pound ( # ), ellipsis ( ... ), vertical bar ( | ), less than or great than ( < > ), brackets ( [ ] ), or braces ( { } ) in command lines. These characters have special meaning in Cisco SAN-OS text strings.

CLI Command Hierarchy

The CLI commands are organized hierarchically, with commands that perform similar functions grouped under the same level. For example, all commands that display information about the system, configuration, or hardware are grouped under the show command, and all commands that allow you to configure the switch are grouped under the config terminal command. Figure 2-1 illustrates a portion of the config terminal command hierarchy.

Figure 2-1 CLI Command Hierarchy Example

To execute a command, you enter the command by starting at the top level of the hierarchy. For example, to configure a Fibre Channel interface, use the config terminal command. Once you are in configuration mode, issue the interface command. When you are in the interface submode, you can query the available commands there.

The following example shows how to query the available commands in the interface submode:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# interface fc1/1
switch(config-if)# ?
Interface configuration comands:
  channel-group  Add to/remove from a port-channel
  do             EXEC command
  exit           Exit from this submode
  fcdomain       Configure fcdomain parameters
  fspf           Configure FSPF parameters
  no             Negate a command or set its defaults
  rspan-tunnel   Configure remote span tunnel interface
  shutdown       Enable/disable an interface
  switchport     Configure switchport parameters

EXEC Mode Options

When you start a session on the switch, you begin in EXEC mode. Based on the role or group to which you belong, you have access to limited commands or to all commands (see the "Role-Based Authorization" section on page 26-1). From EXEC mode, you can enter configuration mode. Most of the EXEC commands are one-time commands, such as show commands, which display the current configuration status. Here is a list of EXEC mode commands:

switch# ?
Exec commands:
  attach        Connect to a specific linecard
  callhome      Callhome commands
  cd            Change current directory
  clear         Reset functions
  clock         Manage the system clock
  config        Enter configuration mode
  copy          Copy from one file to another
  crypto        Act on crypto associations
  debug         Debugging functions
  delete        Delete a file
  dir           List files in a directory
  discover      Discover information
  exit          Exit from the EXEC
  fcping        Ping an N-Port
  fctrace       Trace the route for an N-Port.
  find          Find a file below the current directory
  format        Format disks
  gunzip        Uncompresses LZ77 coded files
  gzip          Compresses file using LZ77 coding
  install       Upgrade software
  ips           Various sibyte module related commands
  ivr           IVR exec commands
  mkdir         Create new directory
  modem         Modem commands
  move          Move files
  no            Disable debugging functions
  ping          Send echo messages
  port-channel  Port-Channel related commands
  purge         Deletes unused data
  pwd           View current directory
  reload        Reboot the entire box
  rmdir         Delete a directory
  run-script    Run shell scripts
  send          Send message to open sessions
  setup         Run the basic SETUP command facility
  show          Show running system information
  sleep         Sleep for the specified number of seconds
  ssh           SSH to another system
  system        System management commands
  tac-pac       Save tac information to a specific location
  tail          Display the last part of a file
  telnet        Telnet to another system
  terminal      Set terminal line parameters
  test          Test command
  traceroute    Trace route to destination
  undebug       Disable Debugging functions (See also debug)
  update        Update license
  write         Write current configuration
  zone          Execute Zone Server commands
  zoneset       Execute zoneset commands

Configuration Mode

In configuration mode, you can make changes to the existing configuration. When you save the configuration, these commands are preserved across switch reboots. Once you are in configuration mode, you can enter interface configuration mode, zone configuration mode, and a variety of protocol-specific modes. Configuration mode is the starting point for all configuration commands. When you are in configuration mode, the switch expects configuration commands from the user.

The following example shows output from the config terminal command:

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Configuration Mode Commands and Submodes

Here is a list of configuration mode commands:

switch# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# ?
Configure commands:
  aaa                   Configure aaa functions
  arp                   [no] remove an entry from the ARP cache
  asm                   Configure ASM Modules
  banner                Configure banner message
  boot                  Configure boot variables
  callhome              Enter the callhome configuration mode
  cdp                   CDP Configuration parameters
  cfs                   CFS configuration commands
  cimserver             Modify cimserver configuration
  clock                 Configure time-of-day clock
  crypto                Set crypto settings
  device-alias          Device-alias configuration commands
  do                    EXEC command
  dpvm                  Configure Dynamic Port Vsan Membership
  end                   Exit from configure mode
  exit                  Exit from configure mode
  fabric-binding        Fabric Binding configuration
  fc-tunnel             Configure fc-tunnel
  fcalias               Fcalias configuration commands
  fcanalyzer            Configure cisco fabric analyzer
  fcc                   Configure FC Congestion Control
  fcdomain              Enter the fcdomain configuration mode
  fcdroplatency         Configure switch or network latency
  fcflow                Configure fcflow
  fcid-allocation       Add/remove company id(or OUIs) from auto area list
  fcinterop             Interop commands
  fcip                  Enable/Disable FCIP
  fcns                  Name server configuration
  fcroute               Configure FC routes
  fcrxbbcredit          Enable extended rx b2b credit configuration
  fcs                   Configure Fabric Config Server
  fcsp                  Config commands for FC-SP
  fctimer               Configure fibre channel timers
  fdmi                  Config commands for FDMI
  ficon                 Configure ficon information
  fspf                  Configure fspf
  in-order-guarantee    Set in-order delivery guarantee
  interface             Select an interface to configure
  ip                    Configure IP features
  iscsi                 Enable/Disable iSCSI
  ivr                   Config commands for IVR
  kernel                Kernel options
  line                  Configure a terminal line
  logging               Modify message logging facilities
  mcast                 Configure multicast
  nasb                  Configure Third-Party Copy Functionality
  no                    Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                   NTP Configuration
  port-security         Configure Port Security
  port-track            Configure Switch port track config
  power                 Configure power supply
  poweroff              Poweroff a module in the switch
  qos                   QoS Configuration commands
  radius                Configure RADIUS configuration distribution
  radius-server         Configure RADIUS related parameters
  rib                   Configure RIB parameters
  rmon                  Remote Monitoring
  role                  Configure roles
  rscn                  Config commands for RSCN
  san-ext-tuner         Enable/Disable San Extension Tuner tool
  santap                Enter SanTap configuration
  scheduler             Config commands for scheduler
  scsi-flow             SCSI Flow configuration
  snmp-server           Configure snmp server
  span                  Enter SPAN configuration mode
  ssh                   Configure SSH parameters
  ssm                   Config commands for SSM (Storage Services Module)
  switchname            Configure system's network name
  system                System config command
  tacacs+               Enable tacacs+
  telnet                Enable telnet
  tlport                Configure TL Port information
  trunk                 Configure Switch wide trunk protocol
  username              Configure user information.
  vsan                  Enter the vsan configuration mode
  wwn                   Set secondary base MAC addr and range for additional WWNs
  zone                  Zone configuration commands
  zone-attribute-group  Zone attribute group commands
  zoneset               Zoneset configuration commands

Configuration mode, also known as terminal configuration mode, has several submodes. Each of these submodes places you deeper in the prompt hierarchy. When you type exit, the switch backs out one level and returns you to the previous level. When you type end, the switch backs out to the user EXEC level. You can also type Ctrl-Z in configuration mode as an alternative to typing end.

Note In configuration mode, you can alternatively enter
— Ctrl-Z instead of the end command, and
— Ctrl-G instead of the exit command

You can execute an EXEC mode command from a configuration mode or submode prompt. You can issue this command from any submode within the configuration mode. When in configuration mode (or in any submode), enter the do command along with the required EXEC mode command. The entered command is executed at the EXEC level and the prompt resumes its current mode level.

switch(config)# do terminal session-timeout 0

In this example, terminal session-timeout is an EXEC mode command—you are issuing an EXEC mode command using the configuration mode do command.

The do command applies to all EXEC mode commands other than the end and exit commands. You can also use the help (?) and command completion (Tab) features for EXEC commands when issuing a do command along with the EXEC command.

Table 2-2 lists some useful command keys that can be used in both EXEC and configuration modes:

Table 2-2 Useful Command Key Description 



Up history.


Down history.


Refreshes the current line and reprints it.

Ctrl-X H

List history.

When using this key combination, press and release the Ctrl and X keys together before pressing the H key.


History search backwards.

Note The difference between Tab completion and Alt- P or Alt-N is that Tab completes the current word while Alt- P and Alt-N completes a previously entered command.


History search forwards.






Clear screen.

CLI Command Navigation

To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the Up Arrow key. You can continue to press the Up Arrow key to see more previously issued commands. Similarly, you can press the Down Arrow, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, and Delete keys to navigate through the command history and to modify an existing command string.

Getting Help

In any command mode, you can get a list of available commands by entering a question mark (?).

switch# ?

To obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character sequence, type in those characters followed immediately by the question mark (?). Do not include a space.

switch# co?
configure copy

To list keywords or arguments, enter a question mark in place of a keyword or argument. Include a space before the question mark. This form of help is called command syntax help, because it reminds you which keywords or arguments are applicable based on the commands, keywords, and arguments you have already entered.

switch# config ?
 terminal Configure the system from the terminal

Tip If you are having trouble entering a command, check the system prompt and enter the question mark (?) for a list of available commands. You might be in the wrong command mode or using incorrect syntax.

Command Completion

In any command mode, you can begin a particular command sequence and immediately press the Tab key to complete the rest of the command.

switch(config)# ro <Tab> 
switch(config)# role <Tab>
switch(config)# role name 

This form of help is called command completion, because it completes a word for you. If several options are available for the typed letters, all options that match those letters are presented:

switch(config)# fc <Tab>
fcalias        fcdomain       fcs 
fcanalyzer     fcdroplatency  fcns           fctimer        
fcc            fcinterop      fcroute        
switch(config)# fcd <Tab>
fcdomain       fcdroplatency  
switch(config)# fcdo <Tab>
switch(config)# fcdomain 

File System Completion

You can use the Tab key to complete schemes, servers, and file names available in the file system.

For example,

switch# cd bootflash:<Tab>
bootflash:                bootflash://sup-1/        bootflash://sup-remote/
bootflash:///             bootflash://sup-2/        bootflash://sup-standby/
bootflash://module-5/     bootflash://sup-active/
bootflash://module-6/     bootflash://sup-local/

switch# bootflash://mo<Tab> 
switch# bootflash://module-6/

The no and Default Forms of Commands

You can issue the no form of any command to perform the following actions:

Undo a wrongly issued command.

If you issue the zone member command, you can undo the results:

switch(config)# zone name test vsan 1
switch(config-zone)# member pwwn 12:12:12:12:12:12:12:12
switch(config-zone)# no member pwwn 12:12:12:12:12:12:12:12
WARNING: Zone is empty. Deleting zone test. Exit the submode.

Delete a created facility.

If you want to delete a zone that you created:

switch(config)# zone name test vsan 1
switch(config-zone)# exit
switch(config)# no zone name test vsan 1

You cannot delete a zone facility called test while residing in it. You must first exit the zone submode and return to configuration mode.

CLI Command Configuration Options

You can configure the software in one of two ways:

You can create the configuration for the switch interactively by issuing commands at the CLI prompt.

You can create an ASCII file containing a switch configuration and then load this file on the required system. You can then use the CLI to edit and activate the file (see the "Working with Configuration Files" section on page 7-1).

Displaying the Switch Configuration

You can view the ASCII form of the configuration file when required. To view the current configuration tree from the EXEC prompt, issue the show running-config command. If the running configuration is different from the startup configuration, issue the show startup-config command to view the ASCII version of the current startup configuration that was used to boot the switch if a copy run start command was not issued after the reboot. Use the show startup command to view the contents of the current startup configuration.

You can also gather specific information on the entire switch configuration by issuing the relevant show commands. Configurations are displayed based on a specified feature, interface, module, or VSAN. Available show commands for each feature are briefly described in this section and listed at the end of each chapter.

Examples 2-2 to 2-8 display a few show command examples.

Example 2-2 Displays Details on the Specified Interface

switch# show interface fc1/1
fc1/1 is up
    Hardware is Fibre Channel, 20:01:ac:16:5e:4a:00:00
    vsan is 1
    Port mode is E
    Speed is 1 Gbps
    Beacon is turned off
    FCID is 0x0b0100
      0 frames input, 0 bytes, 0 discards
      0 runts, 0 jabber, 0 too long, 0 too short
      0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 invalid transmission words
      0 address id, 0 delimiter
      0 EOF abort, 0 fragmented, 0 unknown class
      0 frames output, 0 bytes, 0 discards
      Received 0 OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
      Transmitted 0 OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits

Example 2-3 Displays the Software and Hardware Version

switch# show version
Cisco Storage Area Networking Operating System (SAN-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or other third parties and are used and
distributed under license. Some parts of this software are covered
under the GNU Public License. A copy of the license is available

  BIOS:      version 1.0.8
  loader:    version 1.1(2)
  kickstart: version 2.0(1) [build 2.0(0.6)] [gdb]
  system:    version 2.0(1) [build 2.0(0.6)] [gdb]

  BIOS compile time:       08/07/03
  kickstart image file is: bootflash:///m9500-sf1ek9-kickstart-mzg.
  kickstart compile time:  10/25/2010 12:00:00
  system image file is:    bootflash:///m9500-sf1ek9-mzg.
  system compile time:     10/25/2020 12:00:00

  RAM 1024584 kB

  bootflash: 1000944 blocks (block size 512b)
  slot0:           0 blocks (block size 512b) uptime is 0 days 2 hours 18 minute(s) 1 second(s)

  Last reset at 970069 usecs after Tue Sep 16 22:31:25 1980
    Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
    System version: 2.0(0.6)

Example 2-4 Displays the Running Configuration

switch# show running 
Building Configuration ...
 interface fc1/1
 interface fc1/2
 interface fc1/3
 interface fc1/4
 interface mgmt0
ip address
no shutdown
vsan database
boot system bootflash:system-237; sup-1
boot kickstart bootflash:boot-237 sup-1
ip default-gateway
switchname switch
trunk protocol enable
username admin password 5 /AFDAMD4B2xK2  role network-admin

Example 2-5 Displays the Difference Between the Running and Startup Configuration

switch# show running diff
Building Configuration ...
*** Startup-config
--- Running-config
****************** 1,16 ****
  fcip enable
  ip default-gateway
  iscsi authentication none
  iscsi enable
! iscsi import target fc
  iscsi virtual-target name vt
    pWWN 21:00:00:04:cf:4c:52:c1
--- 1,20 ----
  fcip enable
+ aaa accounting logsize 500
  ip default-gateway
  iscsi authentication none
  iscsi enable
! iscsi initiator name junk
  iscsi virtual-target name vt
    pWWN 21:00:00:04:cf:4c:52:c1

Example 2-6 Displays the Configuration for a Specified Interface

switch# show running interface fc2/9
interface fc2/9
switchport mode E
no shutdown

Note The show running interface command is different from the show interface command.

Example 2-7 Displays the Configuration for all Interfaces in a 16-Port Module

switch# show running interface fc2/10 - 12
interface fc2/10
switchport mode E
no shutdown

interface fc2/11
switchport mode E
no shutdown

interface fc2/12
switchport mode FL
no shutdown

Example 2-8 Displays the Configuration Per VSAN

switch# show runnning vsan 1 
Building Configuration ...
zone name m vsan 1
  member pwwn 21:00:00:20:37:60:42:5c
  member pwwn 21:00:00:20:37:4b:00:a2
zoneset name m vsan 1
  member m
zoneset  activate name m vsan 1

Saving a Configuration

Use the copy running-config startup-config command to save the new configuration into nonvolatile storage. Once this command is issued, the running and the startup copies of the configuration are identical.

See the "Copying Files" section on page 7-6 and the "Preserving Module Configuration" section on page 10-9.

Clearing a Configuration

Use the write erase command to clear a startup configuration. Once this command is issued, the switch's startup configuration reverts to factory defaults. The running configuration is not affected.

Caution The write erase command erases the entire startup configuration with the exception of any configuration that affects the loader functionality.

The write erase boot command only erases the configuration that affects the loader functionality. The loader functionality configuration includes the boot variables and the mgmt0 IP configuration information (IP address, netmask, and default gateway).

switch# write erase boot
This command will erase the boot variables and the ip configuration of interface mgmt 0

Displaying Users

Use the show users command to display all users currently accessing the switch.

switch# show users 
admin    pts/7        Jan 12 20:56 (
admin    pts/9        Jan 12 23:29 (
admin    pts/11       Jan 13 01:53 (

Sending Messages to Users

Use the send command to send a message to all active CLI users currently using the switch. This message is restricted to 80 alphanumeric characters with spaces.

This example sends a warning message to all active users about the switch being shut down.

switch# send Shutting down the system in 2 minutes. Please log off.

Broadcast Message from admin@excal-112
        (/dev/pts/3) at 16:50 ... 
Shutting down the system in 2 minutes. Please log off.

Using the ping Command

Use the ping command to verify the connectivity of a remote host or server by sending echo messages.

The syntax for this command is ping <host or ip address>.

switch# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=0.856 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=1.02 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.856/0.941/1.027/0.090 ms

To abnormally terminate a ping session, type the Ctrl-C escape sequence.

Using the Extended ping Command

The ping command provides additional options to verify the connectivity of a remote host or server. To specify these additional parameters, just type ping at the CLI switch prompt and press enter.

Table 2-3 summarizes the syntax and the defaults.

Table 2-3 Options and Defaults for the ping Command 


Target IP address

The IP address or host name of the destination node to ping.

Not applicable

Repeat count

The number of ping packets to be sent to the destination address.

5 packets

Datagram size

The size of each ping packet in bytes.

100 bytes

Timeout in seconds

The timeout interval before the ping command is terminated.

2 seconds

Extended commands

Specifies if a series of additional commands appear.


Sweep range of sizes

The sizes of the echo packets being sent. This option determines the minimum sizes of the MTUs configured on the nodes along the path to the destination address. You can then reduce packet fragmentation performance problems. (see the "Configuring the MTU Frame Size" section on page 37-6).


Source address or interface

The numeric IP address or the name of the source interface.

Not applicable

Type of service

The Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) datagrams (see the "QoS" section on page 47-3).


Set DF bit in IP header

The Path MTU Discovery strategy (see the "Configuring the MTU Frame Size" section on page 37-6).


Data pattern

You may specify up to 16 bytes to pad the outgoing packet. This padding is useful when diagnosing data-dependent problems in a network. For example, ff fills the outgoing packet with all ones.


The syntax for this command is as follows:

switch# ping
Target IP address:
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]:
Datagram size [100]:
Timeout in seconds [2]:
Extended commands [n]: y
Source address or interface:
Type of service [0]:
Set DF bit in IP header [n]:
Data pattern [0xABCD]:
Sweep range of sizes [n]:
PATTERN: 0xabcd
PING ( 100(128) bytes of data.
108 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=245 time=0.600 ms
108 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=245 time=0.614 ms
108 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=245 time=0.872 ms
108 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=245 time=0.558 ms
108 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=245 time=0.570 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 7996ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.558/0.642/0.872/0.120 ms

To abnormally terminate a ping session, type the Ctrl-C escape sequence.

Using traceroute

Use the traceroute command to prints the routes taken by a specified host or IP address.

The syntax for this command is traceroute <host or ip address>.

switch# traceroute
Tracing route to [] 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
  1 [] 30 ms    30 ms    20 ms 
  2 [] 20 ms    20 ms    30 ms 
  3 [] 20 ms    20 ms    20 ms
  4 [] 20 ms    21 ms    20 ms
  5 [] 20 ms    20 ms    30 ms
  6 [] 20 ms    20 ms    30 ms 
  7 [] 20 ms    20 ms    30 ms 
  8 [] 20 ms    30 ms    20 ms 
  9 [] 70 ms    30 ms    30 ms
 10 [] 20 ms    30 ms    20 ms
 11 [] 20 ms    30 ms    30 ms 
 12 [] 20 ms    30 ms    20 ms 
 13 (  2.496 ms *  2.135 ms

To abnormally terminate a traceroute session, enter Ctrl-C.

Setting the Shell Timeout

Use the exec-timeout command in configuration mode to configure the lifetime of all terminal sessions on that switch. When the time limit configured by this command is exceeded, the shell exits and closes that session. The syntax for this command is exec-timeout minutes.

The default is 30 minutes. You can configure different timeout values for a console or a virtual terminal line (VTY) session. You can set the exec-timeout value to 0 to disable this feature so the session remains active until you exit the switch. This change is saved in the configuration file.

From the console:

switch(config)# line console
switch(config-console)# exec-timeout 60 

Specifies the current console shell timeout to be 60 minutes.

From a VTY session (Telnet or SSH):

switch(config)# line vty
switch(config-line)# exec-timeout 60 

Specifies the current console shell timeout to be 60 minutes.

Displaying VTY Sessions

Use the show line command to display all configured VTY sessions:

switch# show line
line Console:
    Speed:        9600 bauds
    Databits:     8 bits per byte
    Stopbits:     1 bit(s)
    Parity:       none
    Modem In: Disable
    Modem Init-String -
        default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
    Statistics:  tx:5558511     rx:5033958     Register Bits:RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RI
line Aux:
    Speed:        9600 bauds
    Databits:     8 bits per byte
    Stopbits:     1 bit(s)
    Parity:       none
    Modem In: Disable
    Modem Init-String -
        default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
    Hardware Flowcontrol: ON
    Statistics:  tx:35     rx:0     Register Bits:RTS|DTR

Clearing VTY Sessions

Use the clear line command to close a specified VTY session:

switch# clear line Aux

Setting the Terminal Timeout

Use the terminal session-timeout command in EXEC mode to configure the automatic logout time for the current terminal session on that switch. When the time limit configured by this command is exceeded, the switch closes that session and exits.

The syntax for this command from is terminal session-timeout minutes.

The default is 30 minutes. You can set the terminal session-timeout value to 0 to disable this feature so the terminal remains active until you choose to exit the switch. This change is not saved in the configuration file.

switch# terminal session-timeout 600

Specifies the terminal timeout to be 600 minutes for the current session.

Setting the Terminal Type

Use the terminal terminal-type command in EXEC mode to specify the terminal type for a switch:

The syntax for this command is terminal terminal-type terminal-type.

switch# terminal terminal-type vt100

Specifies the terminal type. The terminal-type string is restricted to 80 characters and must be a valid type (for example vt100 or xterm). If a Telnet or SSH session specifies an unknown terminal type, the switch uses the vt100 terminal by default.

Setting the Terminal Length

Use the terminal length command in EXEC mode to set the terminal screen length for the current session. This command is specific to only the console port. Telnet and SSH sessions set the length automatically.

The syntax for this command is terminal length lines.

switch# terminal length 20 

Sets the screen length for the current session to 20 lines for the current terminal session. The default is 24 lines.

Setting the Terminal Width

Use the terminal width command in EXEC mode to set the terminal screen width for the current session. This command is specific to only the console port. Telnet and SSH sessions set the width automatically.

The syntax for this command is terminal width columns.

switch# terminal width 86 

Sets the screen length for the current session to 86 columns for the current terminal session. The default is 80 columns.

Displaying Terminal Settings

Use the show terminal command to display the terminal settings for the current session:

switch# show terminal 
TTY: Type: "vt100"
Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
Session Timeout: 525600 minutes

Configuring the Switch Banner Message

You can issue the banner motd command in configuration mode to configure a message of the day (MOTD).

The syntax for this command from is banner motd [delimiting-character message delimiting-character]

The following example configures a banner message with the following text "Testing the MOTD Feature."

switch# config t
switch(config)# banner motd # Testing the MOTD Feature. # 

The message is restricted to 40 lines with a maximum of 80 characters in each line.

Use the show banner motd command to display the configured banner message:

The following example displays the configured banner message.

switch# show banner motd
 Testing the MOTD Feature

The configured MOTD banner is displayed before the login prompt on the terminal whenever a user logs in to a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch.

 Testing the MOTD Feature
switch login: 

Follow these guidelines when choosing your delimiting character:

Do not use the delimiting-character in the message string.

Do not use " and % as delimiter s.

You can include tokens in the form $ (token) in the message text. Tokens will be replaced with the corresponding configuration variable. For example:

$(hostname) displays the host name for the switch

$(line) displays the vty or tty line or name

The following example spans multiple lines and uses tokens to configure the banner message:

switch# config t
switch(config)# banner motd # 
Enter TEXT message. End with the character '#'. 
Welcome to switch $(hostname). 
Your tty line is $(line). 

About Flash Devices

Every switch in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family contains one internal bootflash (see Figure 2-2). The Cisco MDS 9500 Series additionally contains one external CompactFlash called slot0 (see Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-2 Flash Devices in the Cisco MDS 9000 Supervisor Module

Figure 2-3 External CompactFlash in the Cisco MDS 9000 Supervisor Module

Internal bootflash:

All switches in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family have one internal bootflash: that resides in the supervisor or switching module.You have access to two locations within the internal bootflash: file system.

The volatile: file system provides temporary storage, and it is also the default location for file system commands. Files in temporary storage (volatile:) are erased when the switch reboots.

The bootflash: (nonvolatile storage) file system provides permanent storage. The files in bootflash: are preserved through reboots and power outages.

External CompactFlash (Slot0:)

Cisco MDS 9500 Series directors contain an additional external CompactFlash referred to as the slot0: file system.

The external CompactFlash, an optional device for MDS 9500 Series directors, can be used for storing software images, logs, and core dumps.

Formatting Flash Devices and File Systems

By formatting a Flash devices or a file system, you are clearing out the contents of the device or the file system and restoring it to its factory-shipped state.

See the "About Flash Devices" section and the "Using the File System" section.

Initializing Internal bootflash:

When a switch is shipped, the init system command is already performed and you do not need to issue it again. Initializing the switch resets the entire internal Flash device and erases all data in the bootflash: file system. The internal Flash device is composed of several file systems with bootflash: being one of them. All files in bootflash: are erased and you must download the system and kickstart images again. After issuing an init system command, you do not have to format the bootflash: again because bootflash: is automatically formatted.

Note The init system command also installs a new loader from the existing (running) kickstart image. You can access this command from the switch(boot)# prompt (see Chapter 6, "Software Images").

Caution If your system has an active supervisor module currently running, you must issue the system standby manual-boot command in EXEC mode on the active supervisor module before issuing the init system command on the standby supervisor module to avoid corrupting the internal bootflash:. After the init system command completes on the standby supervisor module, issue the system no standby manual-boot command in EXEC mode on the active supervisor module.

If bootflash: is found corrupted during a boot sequence, you will see the following message:

ERROR:bootflash: has unrecoverable error; please do "format bootflash:"

Use the format bootflash: command to only format the bootflash: file system. You can issue the format bootflash: command from either the switch# or the switch(boot)# prompts.

If you issue the format bootflash: command, you must download the kickstart and system images again.

Formatting External CompactFlash

Be sure to format an external CompactFlash device before using it to save files or images.

You can verify if the external CompactFlash device is formatted by inserting it into slot0: and issuing the dir slot0: command.

If the external CompactFlash device is already formatted, you can see file system usage information (along with any existing files).

If the external CompactFlash device is unformatted (corrupted), you will see the following message:

Device unavailable

In this case, you need to format the CompactFlash device using the format slot0: command.

Note The slot0: file system cannot be accessed from the standby loader> prompt or the switch(boot)# prompt, if the disk is inserted after booting the switch.

Caution The Cisco SAN-OS software only supports CompactFlash devices that are certified by Cisco Systems and formatted using Cisco MDS switches. Using uncertified CompactFlash devices may result in unpredictable consequences; formatting CompactFlash devices using other platforms may result in errors.

Using the File System

The switch provides the following useful functions to help you manage software image files and configuration files:

Setting the Current Directory

Displaying the Current Directory

Listing the Files in a Directory

Creating a Directory

Deleting an Existing Directory

Moving Files

Copying Files

Deleting Files

Displaying File Contents

Saving Command Output to a File

Compressing and Uncompressing Files

Displaying the Last Lines in a File

Executing Commands Specified in a Script

Setting the Delay Time

Setting the Current Directory

The cd command changes the current directory level to a specified directory level. CLI defaults to the volatile: file system. This command expects a directory name input.

Tip Any file saved in the volatile: file system is erased when the switch reboots.

The syntax for this command is cd directory name

This example changes the current directory to the mystorage directory that resides in the slot0 file system:

switch# cd slot0:mystorage 

This example changes the current directory to the mystorage directory that resides in the current directory.

switch# cd mystorage

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command changes the current directory to 

Displaying the Current Directory

The pwd command displays the current directory location. This example changes the directory and displays the current directory.

switch# cd bootflash:
switch# pwd

Note If you issue this command from the active supervisor module in a Cisco MDS 9500 Series (for example, module-5), then you cannot change the current working directory to the bootflash: of module-6. See the "Supervisor Modules" section on page 10-2.

Displaying File Checksums

The show file file md5sum command provides the MD5 checksum of file. MD5 is an electronic fingerprint for the file. MD5 is the latest implementation of the internet standards described in RFC 1321 and is useful for data security as well as integrity.

The show file file cksum command provides the checksum of file. The checksum values compute a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for each named file. Use this command to verify that are not corrupted—compare the checksum output for the received file against the checksum output for the original file.

This example provides the output of the show file command when a file is specified.

switch# show file bootflash://sup-1/ultimate_file.tar cksum

switch# show file bootflash://sup-1/ultimate_file.tar md5sum

Listing the Files in a Directory

The dir command displays the contents of the current directory or the specified directory. The syntax for this command is dir directory or file name.

This example shows how to list the files on the default volatile: file system:

switch# dir 
           Usage for volatile: filesystem
                          0 bytes total used
                   20971520 bytes free
                   20971520 bytes available

Creating a Directory

The mkdir command creates a directory at the current directory level or at a specified directory level.

The syntax for this command is mkdir directory name.

This example creates a directory called test in the slot0 directory.

switch# mkdir slot0:test 

This example creates a directory called test at the current directory level.

switch# mkdir test

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command creates a directory called slot0:mydir/test.

Deleting an Existing Directory

The rmdir command deletes an existing directory at the current directory level or at a specified directory level. The directory must be empty to be deleted.

The syntax for this command is rmdir directory name.

This example deletes the directory called test in the slot0 directory.

switch# rmdir slot0:test 
This is a directory.  Do you want to continue (y/n)?  [y] y

The delete command is also capable of deleting empty and non-empty directories. When you issue this command a warning is displayed to confirm your intent to delete the directory

This example deletes the directory called test at the current directory level.

switch# rmdir test
This is a directory.  Do you want to continue (y/n)?  [y] y

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command deletes the slot0:mydir/test directory.

Moving Files

The move command removes a file from the source directory and places it in the destination directory. If a file with the same name already exists in the destination directory, that file is overwritten by the moved file.

This example moves the file called samplefile from the root directory of the slot0: file system to the mystorage directory.

switch# move slot0:samplefile slot0:mystorage/samplefile

This example moves a file from the current directory level.

switch# move samplefile mystorage/samplefile

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command moves slot0:mydir/samplefile to 

Copying Files

The copy command copies a file.

This example copies the file called samplefile from the root directory of the slot0: file system to the mystorage directory.

switch# copy slot0:samplefile slot0:mystorage/samplefile

This example copies a file from the current directory level.

switch# copy samplefile mystorage/samplefile

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command copies slot0:mydir/samplefile to 
You can also use the copy command to upload and download files from the slot0: or bootflash: file 
system to or from a FTP, TFTP, SFTP, or SCP server (see the "Copying Files" section on page 7-6).

Deleting Files

The delete command deletes a specified file or the specified directory and all its contents (see the "Deleting Files" section on page 7-9).

This example shows how to delete a file from the current working directory:

switch# delete dns_config.cfg

This example shows how to delete a file from an external CompactFlash (slot0):

switch# delete slot0:dns_config.cfg

This example deletes the entire my-dir directory and all its contents:

switch# delete bootflash:my-dir 

Caution If you specify a directory, the delete command deletes the entire directory and all its contents.

Displaying File Contents

The show file command displays the contents of a specified file in the file system.

The syntax for this command is show file file_name

This example displays the contents of the test file that resides in the slot0 directory.

switch# show file slot0:test
config t
Int fc1/1
no shut
show int

This example displays the contents of a file residing in the current directory.

switch# show file myfile

Saving Command Output to a File

You can force all screen output to go to a file by appending > filename to any command. For example, enter show interface > samplefile at the EXEC mode switch prompt to save the interface configuration to samplefile—a file created at the same directory level. At the EXEC mode switch prompt, issue a dir command to view all files in this directory, including the recently saved samplefile.See Chapter 4, "Initial Configuration," for information on saving and copying configuration files, and Chapter 6, "Software Images," for information on saving and copying software images.

Note Redirection is allowed only if the current directory is on the volatile: (default) or slot0: file systems. Redirection is not allowed if the current directory is on the bootflash: file system. The current directory can be viewed using the pwd command and changed using the cd command.

Compressing and Uncompressing Files

The gzip command compresses (zips) the specified file using LZ77 coding.

This example directs the output of the show tech-support command to a file (Samplefile) and then zips the file and displays the difference in the space used up in the volatile: directory:

switch# show tech-support > Samplefile
Building Configuration ...
switch# dir
    1525859     Jul 04 00:51:03 2003 Samplefile
Usage for volatile://
    1527808 bytes used
   19443712 bytes free
   20971520 bytes total
switch# gzip volatile:Samplefile
switch# dir
     266069     Jul 04 00:51:03 2003 Samplefile.gz
Usage for volatile://
     266240 bytes used
   20705280 bytes free
   20971520 bytes total

The gunzip command uncompresses (unzips) LZ77 coded files.

This example unzips the file that was compressed in the previous example:

switch# gunzip samplefile
switch# dir
    1525859     Jul 04 00:51:03 2003 Samplefile
Usage for volatile://
    1527808 bytes used
   19443712 bytes free
   20971520 bytes total

Displaying the Last Lines in a File

The tail command displays the last lines (tail end) of a specified file.

The syntax for this command is tail <file name> [<number of lines>]

switch# tail mylog 10

You see the last 10 lines of the mylog file.

Executing Commands Specified in a Script

The run-script command executes the commands specified in a file. To use this command, be sure to create the file and specify commands in the required order.

Note You cannot create the script files at the switch prompt. You can create the script file on an external machine and copy it the bootflash: directory. This section assumes that the script file resides in the bootflash: directory.

The syntax for this command is run-script file_name

This example displays the CLI commands specified in the testfile that resides in the slot0 directory.

switch# show file slot0:testfile
conf t
interface fc 1/1
no shutdown
sh interface fc1/1

This file output is in response to the run-script command executing the contents in the testfile file:

switch# run-script slot0:testfile
'conf t'
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
'interface fc1/1'
'no shutdown'
'sh interface fc1/1'
fc1/1 is down (Fcot not present)
    Hardware is Fibre Channel
    Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:30:00:48:9e
    Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on
    vsan is 1
    Beacon is turned off
    Counter Values (current):
      0 frames input, 0 bytes, 0 discards
      0 runts, 0 jabber, 0 too long, 0 too short
      0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 invalid transmission words
      0 address id, 0 delimiter
      0 EOF abort, 0 fragmented, 0 unknown class
      0 frames output, 0 bytes, 0 discards
      Received 0 OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
      Transmitted 0 OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
    Counter Values (5 minute averages):

Setting the Delay Time

The sleep command delays an action by a specified number of seconds.

The syntax for this command is sleep <seconds>

switch# sleep 30

You will see the switch prompt return after 30 seconds.

This command is useful within scripts. For example, if you create a script called test-script:

switch# show file slot0:test-script
discover scsi-target remote
sleep 10
show scsi-target disk
switch# run-script slot0:test-script

When you execute the slot0:test-script, the switch software executes the discover scsi-target remote command, and then waits for 10 seconds before executing the show scsi-target disk command.