Table Of Contents

Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X -



* (asterisk), in Cisco IPICS Administration Console windows 10, 14


About, in Administration Console 17


Activity Log Management window 133

Activity Log Options window 138

Administration Console 12

Channel Groups window 32

Channels window 4

Descriptors window 80

Dial Engine drawer 1

Download PMC window 2

License Management window 119

Locations window 92

Multicast Pool window 96

My Profile window 2

online help 17

Ops View window 3

Options window 140

PMC Installer window 173

PMC Regions window 176

PMC Versions window 155

Policy Management drawer 1

Radios window 49

RMS window 104

Skins window 170

User Groups window 46

Users window 3

Virtual Talk Groups window 1


activate VTG 8

definition 1

deleting 18

dial-out 8, 16

in multi-purpose type policy 12

invite to VTG 8, 12

managing 8

notification 8

overview 8

reactivating 29

VTG add participants 8, 15


policy 24

RMS 110

VTG 19, 12


channel state in Channel window, described 12

multicast address 97, 101


VTG guidelines 17

active users

fields, described 127

viewing 126

viewing information for 126

activity log

described 131

downloading 133

managing 131

managing activity types per ops view 137

options per ops view 137

types 137

understanding the Activity Log Management window 132

viewing 133

viewing and downloading 133

viewing and downloading archived 135

activity log retention period, setting described 142

adding 171, 177

alert tone set 166

a sequence of multicast addresses to multicast pool 99

channel 7

channel group 33

locations 93

multicast address to multicast pool 98

radio 52

radio and tone descriptors 82

regions 177

RMS 111

skins 171

user 6

user group 47



e-mail, of user 12

information for user 11

multicast address 97

of user, in user profile 5

street, of user in Users window 11

Address Information tab 11

Administration Console

accessing 12

Authentication window 12

client system requirements 12

displaying current data 11

exiting 14

logging in 12

logging out 14

obtaining information about 17

online help 17

overview 8

refreshing 11

timeout 17

advanced PMC permissions 19

advanced PMC permissions, field described 8

alerting tones

See alert tones

alert tones

adding 166

associating ops views 168

creating alert tone sets 164

deleting 169

managing 163

viewing or editing alert tone sets 167

allow latch

field in user profile 8

for channel 19

for radio 58

in PMC tab 19

all role, described 8, 12


alert tones to ops views 168

channel with user 28

ops views with user group 51

ops view with user 39

phone with user 31

policy with user 32, 23

radio with user 34

user with policy 32, 23

user with user 30

Associations tab 22

audio, disable 19

audio client 7

authentication log file 18, 20

Authentication window 12


backup and restore operations

overview 1

performing 1


guidelines for using 11

memory issues 12

pop-up windows, disabling blocking 12

refreshing windows 11


calculating DSPs 18

CAP XML file, for external notification 5

caveats 48

changing status of VTG 18

Channel 35


active status 12

adding 7

adding to VTG template 7

allow association to users, field described 10

allow latch, described 19

allow use in VTGs field, described 11

associated 37

associated ops view, field described 17

associating radio signals with user 28

associating to ops views 25

associating user with 28

associating with user 26

available 36, 52

changing status 21

channel color, field described 19

channel region, field described 19

channel selector, field described 16

deleting 31

deleting from a channel group 38

described 2

disabled status 12

disabling 21

editing information 8

enabled status 12

enable latch, field described 19, 58

enable VAD, field described 18

enabling 21

in inactive VTG 7

listen only, field described 19

location 13

location, field described 13

mixing secure and non-secure in VTG 7

multicast address, field described 14

multicast address port, field described 14

name, field described 9

PMC region field described 19

radio, field described 15

removing 31

removing from a channel group 38

RX mute during PTT, field described 18

search for in VTG window 35

secure, field described 10

status 12

type, field described 12

unavailable for VTG 32

viewing associations 30

viewing information 8

Channel dashboard

elements 4

overview 4

channel group

adding 33

adding to VTG template 8

associated ops view, field described 35

associated VTG 38

associated VTG status 38

associating ops views to 39

channels in 3

deleting 40

deleting a channel from 38

described 3

editing information 34

name 35

removing 40

removing a channel from 38

viewing associations 37

viewing information 34

Channel Selector Permissions 35

channel selectors

associated channel field, described 47

enabled status check box 47

label 46

channel statistics log file 18, 20

Cisco IOS documentation xxii


Administration Console 8


backing up 4

logs 20

restoring 13

deployment options 4

getting started 2

hardware components 4

initial configuration 2

IP multicast address guidelines for 98

logging in to 1

Login window 1

overview 1, 4

Restrict Operator Role assignments 143

role 7

server 5

session timeout period setting 143

setting up 2

software components 4

Cisco IPICS policy engine

See policy engine

Cisco IPICS server

Administration Console 8

described 5

usage guidelines 9

Cisco IPICS service

about 1

configuring for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 2

configuring for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express 4

disabling log in 2

subscribing to 5

using 7

Cisco IPICS session timeout 143

Cisco IPICS session timeout period, setting described 143

Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration System

See Cisco IPICS

Cisco Land Mobile Radio (LMR) over IP/SRND documentation xxii

Cisco router

configuring as SIP provider 53

function in a Cisco IPICS deployment 7

Cisco Security Agent documentation xxii

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

configuring as SIP provider 49

configuring Cisco IPICS service for 2

documentation xxi

function in a Cisco IPICS deployment 7

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

configuring Cisco IPICS service for 4

documentation xxi

Cisco Unified IP Phone

accessing Cisco IPICS service from 7

allow latch 19

audio 19

dial login for 13

digit ID 14, 6

digit password 14

disable 15

documentation xxi

enable 15

latching 21

listen only 19, 21

managing for user 15

mute 15

subscribing to Cisco IPICS service 5

timeout period, setting described 142

timeout period setting 142

unmute 15

user in VTG 21

using as a PTT device 1

cluster view daemon, trace file 4

codec 15, 44

radio 53

communications preferences

configuring 24

described 23

managing 23


Cisco IPICS 2

controllers 6

default tone sequences 48

ds0 groups 6


RMS security features 2

configuring Cisco IOS Express as SIP provider 53

connection type, multicast address 97, 101

control function permissions 36

control functions 37


configuring T1/E1 controllers 6

on RMS 109

copying a user 6

customized script prompts

codec 18

deleting 20

described 16

downloading 19

renaming 20

uploading 18

viewing list of 17

Customized Script Prompts window 17


Dashboard window, overview 1


backing up 4

choosing a backup destination 12

manually starting database server 28


changing 9

default 9

options for restoring 14

restoring 13

troubleshooting a backup procedure 22

troubleshooting a restore procedure 22

Database Management window

overview 3

tabs inside of 3


RMS 110

RMS status 108

VTG 19

DEBUG-level error messages 13

debug log file 18, 20

debug trace level 5

dedicated dial engine, for external notification 2

dedicated-dial-engines.xml file 2

default language folder 12


action from policy 18

alert tones 169

channel 31

channel from a channel group 38

channel group 40

descriptors 85

languages 14

locations 95

multicast address 102

PMC regions 178

PMC skins 172

PMC versions 162

policy 25

radio 65

radio and tone descriptors 85

RMS 116

spoken names prompts 30

trigger from policy 22

user 44

user group 54

VTG 16

deployment, of Cisco IPICS 4


radio 53


deleting 85

managing radio and tone 69

updating 83

diagnostic information

downloading 11

viewing 7

Diagnostics window

diagnostic summary pane, described 11

elements 8

overview 1, 7

dial engine

codec 44

described 1

parameters 43


obtaining information about 2

status 3

trace file 4

Dial Engine drawer, accessing 1

dial engine script

See scripts 31

Dial Engine Script notification 11


assigning to ops view 19

configuring SIP provider for 48

SIP trunk 51

dial-in floor 34

dialing out to participants in an active VTG 28

dial-in phone

disable 15

enable 15

listen only 19, 21

managing for user 15

mute 15

unmute 15

dial login

configuring 13

described 13

Dial Login tab 14

Dial notification 10


configuring SIP provider for 48

SIP trunk 51

dial-out action 8, 16

dial preferences

configuring 24

described 23

order of 27

dial prefix 46

digit ID 14, 6

digit password (PIN) 14, 7

direct dial

adding numbers 46

configuring SIP provider for 48

deleting numbers 48

described 44

dial prefix 46

updating numbers 47

viewing information about numbers 47

viewing list of numbers 45

Direct Dial Management window 45

direct two-way channels 30


audio 19

Cisco Unified IP Phone 15

dial-in phone 15

end device 15

listen only 21

PMC 15

radio 64

voice activation detection (VAD) 21

disable audio, in user profile 8

disabled channel 12

disabled user 42

disable PMC activity log upload, setting described 151

disable RMS comparator, setting described 141


latch in User Details window 26

PMC attributes in an active VTG 28

user 42

dispatcher role

described 8, 12

responsibilities 1


Cisco 7800 Series Media Convergence Servers xxi

Cisco IOS xxii

Cisco Land Mobile Radio (LMR) over IP/SRND xxii

Cisco Security Agent xxii

Cisco Unified Communications Manager xxi

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express xxi

Cisco Unified IP Phones xxi

session initiation protocol (SIP) xxii


activity logs 133

archived activity logs 135



destination 114

disabling 115

enabling 114

in loopback 114

source 114

status 114

ds0 groups, configuring 6


calculating DSPs 18

checking configuration 17

DSP resource pool 18

enabling 18

DSPs 18


memory trace 9

threads trace 8


E1 timeslots 7


address of user 12

notification preference 23, 24

email notification 9


Cisco Unified IP Phone 15

dial-in phone 15

end device 15

listen only 21

PMC 15

voice activation detection (VAD) 21


channel 12

user 41

enable voice activity detection (VAD), field described 18


latch in User Details window 26

PMC attributes in an active VTG 28

radio 64

user 41

end device

audio 19

described 15

disable 15

enable 15

listen only 19, 21

managing for user 15

mute 15

unmute 15

ERROR-level error messages 13

event, also called active VTG 2

executed policy, information about 26

executing policy, information about 26

expiration date, of password 10

external notification

configuring dial engine 2

dedicated dial engine 2

deploying 2

description 1


CAP XML file 5

HTTP request 4

options 4

message file 4

overview 1

primary dial engine 2

recipient list 3

requirements 2

results of 6


See also external notification


floor, for dial-in 34


G.711 15

G.729 15

gateway 6

General Information tab 9, 13

Get Logs from PMC 20


for using IP multicast addresses with Cisco IPICS 98

managing active VTGs 17

managing inactive VTGs 7

multicast address 98

server usage 9


hangover time 54

hardware components, of Cisco IPICS 4

help, in Administration Console 17

host name, of RMS 108

HTTP request, for external notification 4


icons, in users window 49

icons in Users window 4

ID, of user 7

idle status, for multicast address 97, 101



VTGs 6

VTGs, guidelines 7

INFO-level error messages 13

Informix database, manually starting 28


PMC versions before you upgrade your Cisco IPICS server 160

invitation policy type

adding 17

described 6

updating 17

invitation type policy, actions in 8

invite to VTG action 8

IP address, of RMS 108

IP address selection guidelines 8


downloading 16

error types 13

ipics.log file 6

IP multicast address, guidelines for using with Cisco IPICS 98

IP Phone Text notification 9



adding 12

default folder 12

default language folder 12

deleting 14

for prompts 11

for scripts 11

naming requirement 12

of TUI prompts 32

renaming 13

viewing list of 12

Languages window 12


allow 19

disable 21

enable 21


described 119

for policy engine 1

managing a Cisco IPICS 119

summary 120

time-bound, described 124

usage per ops view 123

License dashboard

elements 6

overview 6

license file, uploading 125

listen only

in channel 19

in PMC tab 19

in radio 58

in user profile 8

LMR gateway 6


adding 93

associations 87

deleting 95

described 86

multicast address 97, 102

of RMS 107

predefined 86

radio 53

RMS 112

summary of access types and connections 91

user 7

viewing or editing 94

locking a user account 42

log files

downloading 16

in System Logs window 12

location 18, 20

managing activity 131

obtaining 19

PMC 15, 18

log in, disabling for Cisco IPCS service 2

log level, setting 20

logs, managing activity 131


configuring 113

creating 113

disabling DS0 in 115

DS0 destination 114

DS0 source 114

DS0 status 114

dynamically allocated 3

enabling DS0 in 114

number 114

on RMS 109

removing 116

state 114

viewing information about 113, 114


Management Information Base (MIB)

network and system status MIBs 20

Request for Comments (RFC) documents 24


activity log options per ops view 137

inactive VTGs 6

PMC from Associations tab 21

radio and tone descriptors 69

maximum activity logs, setting described 142

MCS servers documentation xxi

member, adding to user group 49

merging RMS configuration 117

message file, for external notification 4

multicast address

adding address to multicast pool 98

adding a sequence of addresses to multicast pool 99

address 101

address and port 97

assignment 98

channel 14

connection type 97, 101

conventions 14, 98, 101

deleting 102

editing information 100

guidelines 98

in multicast pool 95

location 97, 102

port 101

recommended range 98

status 97, 101

used by 97, 102

viewing information 100

multicast communications guidelines 98

multicast domain 86

multicast pool

adding multicast address to 98

deleting multicast address from 102

described 95

Multi-Purpose type policy

trigger 19

multi-purpose type policy

actions in 8, 12

activating 24

adding 11

described 6

updating 11


Cisco Unified IP Phone 15

dial-in phone 15

end device 15

PMC 15

PMC user in a VTG 23

My Profile window, described 13



of user 10

of user group 52

name, of user 7

New Users window 6


action 8

configuring 13

Dial 10

Dial Engine Script 11

email 9


See Cisco IPICS

IP Phone Text 9

overview 9

Talk Group 10

notification preferences

configuring 24

described 23

notifying participants in an active VTG 28


old digit password, changing 6

online help, accessing 17

operational, RMS status 108

Operational Views

See ops views

operator role

described 8, 12

responsibilities 1

restricting assignments 143

ops view administrator role, described 8, 12

ops views

accessible to 7

affecting VTGs 16

allocating dial ports, described 29

assigning a dial number (DN) 19

assigning to user 31

associated 39

associating channel groups with 39

associating channels 32

associating channels or channel groups 32

associating to channels 25

associating user group with 51

associating user with 39

available 39

belongs to 6

benefits 6

caveats 11

channels 32

creating 4

determining dial port allocation 31

dial-in numbers 19

dial port pools 29

overview 1

resources 5

system 2

to which user belongs 38

to which user group belongs 51

understanding VTGs 12

user roles 8

viewing details 25

viewing resources 23

Ops View to User Association window 39

Options window 139

order, of dial preferences 27



pager, notification preference 23, 24



adding to VTG 20

in VTG 20

removing from VTG 20


Apply User Account Lockout setting 149

Apply User Password Expiration setting 147

changing 3

expiration date 10

Failed Password Attempt Expiration Hours setting 151

Maximum Invalid Login Attempts Allowed setting 150

Minimum Digit Password Length setting 144

Minimum Lower Case Letter Count setting 145

Minimum Numeric Character Count setting 146

Minimum Password Length setting 144

Minimum Special Character Count setting 146

Minimum Upper Case Letter Count setting 145

Password Expiration Notification setting 149

Password Expiration setting 148

Password History Count setting 147

RMS 112

user 7, 10


associated 32

associating user with 31

available 32

Phone Associations window 32

phone service 1

PIN, digit password 14

PIN, digit password in user profile 7


adding alert tone sets 166

advanced permissions 19

allow latch 19

audio 19

authentication log file 18, 20

automatic update 154

changing the state of versions for updates 158

channel statistics log file 18, 20

creating alert tone sets 164

debug log file 18, 20

deleting versions 162

described 5

direct two-way channels 30

disable 15

downloading current version 19

enable 15

forced update 158

information status in VTG 8

installer, generating 174

latching 21

listen only 19, 21

log files 15, 18, 19, 20

log level 20

managing for user 15

managing the configuration 173

mute 15

operation caveats when configuring tone sequences 79

regions 177

regions, managing 175

skins 170, 171

unmute 15

updating 154

uploading and managing skins 170

user interface log file 18, 20

user in VTG 20

voice activation detection (VAD) 21

PMC activity log update, setting frequency 154

PMC alert tones

See alert tones

PMC log upload frequency, setting described 152

PMC regions

managing 175

See regions

PMC send logs on rollover, setting described 153

pmcsetup.exe 173

PMC skins

See skins

PMC tab 19

PMC update poll, setting described 151

PMC versions

changing the state 158

installing before you upgrade your Cisco IPICS server 160

uploading 157

Policies window

described 4

displaying 4


action,See action

activating 24

adding 6

associated 33

associating user with 32, 23

available 33

definition 1

deleting 25

deleting action from 18

deleting trigger from 22

executed 26

executing 26

invitation type

actions in 8

adding 17

described 6

updating 17

Multi-Purpose type

updating 11

multi-purpose type

actions in 8

adding 11

described 6

ops view guidelines 5

reactivating 29

scheduled 28

system resources for 6

trigger 19

type 8

viewing information about 26, 28

Policy Associations window 33

policy engine

license requirement 1

Policies window 4

policy, See policy 1

roles that can access 1

SIP provider 48

tracing 4

Policy Management drawer, accessing 1

pop-up windows 12


channel 14

conventions 14, 100, 101

multicast address 101

preferences, system, setting in Options window 139

primary dial engine

configuring 2

for external notification 2


customized script, See customized script prompts

described 1

languages 11

languages, See language

managing 11

repository 11

spoken name, See spoken name prompts

standard script, See standard script prompts

PTT channel

See channel

PTT channel group

See channel group

Push-to-Talk Management Center




adding 52

adding to VTG template 8

Allow association to users, check box described 54

allow latch, described 58

Allow use in VTGs, check box described 55

associating signals with channels 28

associating user with 34

associating with user from Radios window 61

channel 42

codec field described 53

control functions 37

default tone sequences 48

deleting 65

description, field described 53

descriptor file, described 70

designating permissions for 35

editing information 59

enabling or disabling 64

frequency channels, described 45

hangover time, field described 54

listen only, field described 58

location, field described 53

managing 42

managing descriptors 69

multicast address, field described 53

multicast port, field described 53

name, field described 53

PMC caveats when configuring tone sequences 79

radio color, field described 59

region, field described 59

removing 65

RX mute during PTT, field described 57

search for in VTG window 35

secure radio, field described 53

tone and signaling sequences, described 73

tone descriptors, described 72

type, described 53

type, field described 53

viewing information 59

voice delay, field described 54

radio channel

managing 42

See radio

radio color, field described 59

radio descriptors 70

deleting 85

described 70

format example 71

managing 69

PMC operation caveats 79

updating 83


action 29

policy 29

VTG 32

recipient list

for external notification 3

format 3

recording, spoken names prompts 26

recovering, system administrator 43

recurrence, of trigger 21

refreshing, Administration Console 11


adding 177

deleting 178

viewing or editing 178


channel 31

channel from channel group 38

channel group 40

radio 65

RMS 116

user 44

user group 54

VTG 16

repository 11, 31

Request for Comments (RFC) documents used with SNMP 24

required information, in Cisco IPICS windows 9, 14

rerecording, spoken names prompts 26

restoring a backed-up database 13

Restrict Operator Role assignments, setting described 143


activating 106, 110

adding 111

calculating DSPs 18

configuring 2

configuring security features 2

configuring T1/E1 controllers, interfaces, and voice parameters 10

connectivity guidelines 6

controller 109

controllers 6

deactivated status 108, 110

deactivating 106, 110

deleting 116

described 6

ds0 groups 6

dspfarm configuration 17

E1 timeslots 7

editing information 106

host name 108

IP address 108

IP address selection

Ethernet interface 8

guidelines 8

Loopback0 interface 9

Vif1 interface 9

location 107

loopback 109

managing 103

managing configuration 117

merging configuration 117

name 107

operational status 108

removing 116

status 108

status of routers in RMS window 104

stopping state 110

stopping status 108

T1 timeslots 7

unconfigured status 108

unreachable status 108

updating configuration 117

updating information in Cisco IPICS 117

viewing information 106

RMS dashboard

elements 7

overview 6

RMS polling frequency, setting interval 141


all 8, 12

assigning 12

changing 12

described 7, 12

dispatcher 8, 12, 1

operator 8, 1, 12

ops view administrator 8, 12

system administrator 8, 1, 12

user 7, 1

roles 5



router media service


RX mute during PTT

on channel 18

on radio 57


scheduled policy, information about 28


adding 32

BulkNotifyDialer 31

changing information about 33

deleting 34

described 1

dial engine 31

IppeDialin 31

IppeDialout 31

IppeRecording 31

languages 11

managing 31

repository 31

system 31

viewing information about 33

viewing list of 31

searching in Virtual Talk Groups window 34

secure radio 53

server, Cisco IPICS 5

server logs, viewing 12

server usage guidelines 9

Serviceability drawer, overview 1

services, obtaining information about 2

session initiation protocol (SIP), documentation xxii

setting up Cisco IPICS 2

short message service (SMS), notification preference 23, 24

short name for channel, field described 9


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

configuring an MIB browser 25

configuring an SNMP management console 24

Management Information Base (MIB) objects

described 18

support 17

SIP, configuring for Policy Engine 35

SIP provider

Cisco IOS 53

Cisco router 53

Cisco Unified Communications Manager 49

configuring for Cisco IPICS 48

described 48


adding 171

deleting 172

viewing or editing 171


See Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

software components, of Cisco IPICS 4

specifying order 12

spoken names prompts

changing information about 29

deleting 30

described 21

downloading 25

for user 40

recording 26

replacing .wav file 26

rerecording 26

uploading 23

viewing list of 22

Spoken Names window 22

standard script prompts

described 14

uploading 15

viewing list of 15

Standard Script Prompts window 15


channel 12

DS0 114

multicast address 97, 101

Status Details window 4

stopping, RMS status in RMS window 108

sub-VTG 7

system administrator role

described 8, 1, 12

responsibilities 1

System dashboard, overview 3

system logs

downloading 16

entry types 13

overview 13

viewing 12

System Logs window

described 2, 12

log entry types 13

system preferences, setting in Options window 139

system status, monitoring 12


T1/E1 controller configuration 6

T1 timeslots 7


Address Information 11

Associations 22

Dial Login 14

General Information 9, 13

PMC 19

Talk Group notification 10

telephony user interface


text to speech

See TTS 41

time out, period for Administration Console 17

tone broadcast wave files

See alert tones

tone descriptor files, for radios 72

tone descriptors

adding 82

deleting 85

described 72

PMC operation caveats 79

updating 83

tone sequences

description field, described 47

enabled state check box 47

label 47

momentary control 48

stateful control 47

tone sequences, described 72


advanced activities 8

cluster view daemon 4

configuring number of trace files 5

configuring size of trace files 5

debug 5

default levels 7, 9

described 4

dial engine 4

dump memory trace 9

dump threads trace 8

facilities 4, 7

files 4

interpreting trace files 10

levels 4, 6

maximum size of all trace files on systems 6

obtaining trace files 10

recommendations for 5

XDebug (extended debug) 5

TRACE-level error messages 13


adding 19

definition 1

deleting 22

overview 19

recurrence 21

updating 19

viewing 19


configuring 42

overview 41

TUI (telephony user interface)

accessing 31

activities 31

described 31

dial-in floor 34

dial login for 13

digit ID 14

general guidelines 32

guidelines for using 32

logging in 31

menu guidelines 33

PIN 14

speaking 34

type, channel connection 12


unconfigured, RMS status 108

understanding 29

Activity Log Management window 132

Channels window 4

Descriptors window 80

Ops View window 3

PMC Regions window 176

Radios window 49

RMS window 104

Virtual Talk Groups window 3

unlocking a user account 42


Cisco Unified IP Phone 15

dial-in phone 15

end device 15

PMC 15

unmuting PMC user in a VTG 23

unreachable, RMS status 108


descriptors 83

radio and tone descriptors 83

RMS configuration 117


license file 125

PMC versions 157

standard script prompts 15

used by field, for multicast address 97


adding 6

adding communications preferences in user profile 10

adding to VTG template 8


street, of user 11

address information 11

associating channels with 26

associating channel with 28

associating ops view with 39

associating phone with 31

associating policy with 32, 23

associating radios with, from Radios window 61

associating radio with 34

associating user with 30

changing information in user profile 2

channel association 14

copying 6

default location 14

deleting 44

deleting communications preferences in user profile 10

described 1, 2

dial preferences 12

digit ID 14

digit password (PIN) 14

digit password (PIN) field, described 7

disabled 42

downloading PMC 19

editing communications preferences in user profile 10

enabled 41

general information 9

in inactive VTG 7

list of VTGs in which is a participant 40

locking account 42

managing associations 13

managing communications preferences 9

managing profile 2

name 7, 10

ops view for 38

password 10

PIN 14

recovering deleted 43

recovering system administrator 43

removing 44

search for in VTG window 35

specifying order of dial preferences 12

status 41

unlocking account 42

viewing associations 18

viewing communications preferences 10

user associations

Channels tab, described 14

Phones tab, described 17

Policies tab, described 18

Radios tab, described 15

Users tab, described 16

Virtual Talk Groups tab, described 17

User dashboard

elements 5

overview 5

User Details window

activities 13

enabling or disabling latch for PMC user 26

user group

adding 47

adding members to 49

adding to VTG template 8

associating ops views with 51

changing name of 52

deleting 54

described 1, 45

list of VTGs in which is a participant 53

naming recommendation 48

ops view for 51

removing 54

User Groups window

accessing 46

described 46

user interface log file 18, 20

User Management drawer, accessing 1

user name of RMS field, described 108

user profile 2

account status field, described 4

address field, described 5

belongs to field, described 5

confirm password field, described 4

default location 7

dial preferences field, described 9

digit ID field, described 6

first name field, described 3

IPICS status field, described 4

last name field, described 3

new password field, described 4

notification preferences field, described 9

old digit password field, described 6

old password field, described 3

password expiration date field, described 4

PMC info field, described 8

roles field, described 5

user name field, described 3

User Radio Permissions window 36, 37

user role

described 7

responsibilities 1


phone associations 17

policy associations 18

radio associations 15

user associations 16

VTG associations 17

Users window

accessing 3

described 3

using the PMC Installer window 173



activity logs 133

and downloading archived activity logs 135

and editing user associations, My Associations window 2

channel associations 30

ops view resources 23

or editing locations 94

or editing PMC alert tone sets 167

or editing PMC regions 178

or editing PMC skins 171

user associations 18

virtual talk group


Virtual Talk Group dashboard

elements 5

overview 5

voice activity detection

enable field 18

enabling on PMC 10, 14

voice delay 54


activating 19

active 2, 17

adding 9

adding channel 7

adding channel group 8

adding participants 20

adding radio 8

adding to VTG template 8

adding user 8

adding user group 8

adding VTG 8

best practices 37

changing the status of 18

channel in inactive 7

Cisco Unified IP Phone user in 21

deactivating 19

deleting 16

dialing out to participants in active 28

disabling latch in User Details window 26

disabling PMC attributes in active 28

empty 7

enabling latch in User Details window 26

enabling PMC attributes in active 28

guidelines for managing active 17

guidelines for managing inactive 7

inactive 2

in which user group is participating 53

list in which user is participating 40

managing 2

managing active 17

managing inactive 6

modifying 13

multicast address used by 95

muting a PMC user 23

non-secure channel in 7

notifying participants in active 28

participant in itself 7

participants 20

PMC user in 20

reactivating 32

removing 16

removing participants 20

search for in VTG window 35

secure channel in 7

seeing as user on Cisco Unified IP Phone 9, 10

sub-VTG 7

unavailable channel 32

unmuting a PMC user 23

user in inactive 7

VTG add participants action 8, 15

VTG search utility, using 34


WARN-level error messages 13


X, in Activate VTG Details area 33

Xdebug (extended debug) trace level 5