Advanced AnyConnect VPN Deployments for Firepower Threat Defense with FMC

This document shows how to deploy advanced AnyConnect VPN for the Cisco FTD on Cisco FMC using FlexConfig, including Dynamic Split Tunneling and LDAP attribute maps.

Dynamic Split Tunneling

The following topics explain dynamic split tunneling for Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) and how to configure it using FlexConfig in Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) 6.4. This configuration can apply to subsequent releases that do not directly support dynamic split tunneling.

About Dynamic Split Tunneling

Static split tunneling involves defining the IP addresses of hosts and networks that should be included in or excluded from the remote access VPN tunnel. You can enhance split tunneling by defining dynamic split tunneling.

With dynamic split tunneling, you can fine-tune split tunneling based on DNS domain names. Because the IP addresses associated with full-qualified domain names (FQDN) can change or simply differ based on region, defining split tunneling based on DNS names provides a more dynamic definition of which traffic should, or should not, be included in the remote access VPN tunnel. If any addresses returned for excluded domain names are within the address pool included in the VPN, those addresses will then be excluded.

Excluded domains are not blocked. Instead, traffic to those domains is kept outside the VPN tunnel. For example, you could send traffic to Cisco WebEx on the public Internet, thus freeing bandwidth in your VPN tunnel for traffic that is targeted to servers within your protected network.

From versions 7.0 or later, you can configure this feature using the FMC UI. For more information, see Configure AnyConnect Dynamic Split Tunnel on FTD Managed by FMC. For older versions of FMC you need to configure it using FlexConfig as instructed in Configure Dynamic Split Tunneling Using FlexConfig.

Configure Dynamic Split Tunneling Using FlexConfig

Dynamic split tunnel configuration is based on creating a custom AnyConnect attribute of the type dynamic-split-exclude-domains, then adding that attribute to the group policies used in your RA VPN connection profiles.

Note that you can also create a dynamic-split-include-domains custom attribute to define domains to include in the tunnel that would otherwise be excluded based on IP address. This example looks at excluding domains, however.

Before you begin

This configuration requires at minimum AnyConnect 4.5.

This example assumes you have already configured remote access VPN and it is functioning correctly. This includes creating the group policies to which you add the dynamic split tunneling attribute. Do not use FlexConfig to create the group policy, use it to edit an existing group policy only.

You do not need to have configured static IP-address-based split tunneling when you define a dynamic exclude list. However, if you decide to create a dynamic include list, you must have enabled split tunneling and excluded some IP addresses. Dynamic split tunneling to include domains is meaningful only if you are including traffic that would otherwise be excluded in an IP-address-based split-tunnel situation.


Step 1

Create the deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that creates the dynamic split tunneling custom attribute and assigns to the attribute the domain names that should be excluded from the VPN tunnel and instead be sent over the public Internet.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Enable_Dynamic_Split_Tunnel.

    • Deployment—Select Once. These commands need to be configured one time.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to create an attribute of the type dynamic-split-exclude-domains, then add the data, which is an attribute name and a list of the domain names to exclude. For example, to create an attribute named excludeddomains, and to exclude the and domains, the commands would be the following. Note that the description is optional, but if included, it is not a separate command but part of the anyconnect-custom-attr command. For the domain names, separate them with a comma but do not include spaces.

       anyconnect-custom-attr dynamic-split-exclude-domains description traffic for these domains will not be sent to the VPN headend 
       anyconnect-custom-data dynamic-split-exclude-domains excludeddomains,

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object to define the dynamic-split-exclude-domains custom attribute.

Step 2

(Recommended.) If you use custom group policies, create a deploy-once/append FlexConfig object to configure the dynamic split tunnel custom attribute in the group policies.

The system will not negate changes you make to custom group policies, so you need to deploy the changes once. If you use multiple group policies, you could use a single FlexConfig object to add the custom attribute to each policy in turn. Alternatively, you could create one FlexConfig object per group policy. The outcome will be the same, so the choice is based on your own requirements for modularizing your FlexConfig policy.

On the FlexConfig Objects page, click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

  • Name—The object name. For example, Add_Dynamic_Split_Tunnel_Sales.

  • Deployment—Select Once.

  • Type—Keep the default, Append.

  • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to add the custom attribute to the group policy. For example, if the attribute you created is named excludeddomains, and the group policy is named “sales,” the commands are:

    group-policy sales attributes 
     anyconnect-custom dynamic-split-exclude-domains value excludeddomains 

The object should look similar to the following:

FlexConfig object to add dynamic split tunneling to the Sales group policy.

Step 3

(Not recommended.) If you use the default group policy, named DfltGrpPolicy, create a deploy-everytime/append FlexConfig object to configure the dynamic split tunnel custom attribute in the group policy.

You must deploy this object every time, because on each deployment, the system will negate any custom changes to the default policy.

We recommend that you create custom group policies rather than use DfltGroupPolicy.

On the FlexConfig Objects page, click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

  • Name—The object name. For example, Add_Dynamic_Split_Tunnel_DfltGrpPolicy.

  • Deployment—Select Everytime. These commands need to be configured one time.

  • Type—Keep the default, Append. The command must be sent after the system negates custom attributes in the default group policy.

  • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to add the custom attribute to the group policy. For example, if the attribute you created is named excludeddomains, the commands are:

    group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes 
     anyconnect-custom dynamic-split-exclude-domains value excludeddomains 

The object should look similar to the following:

FlexConfig object to add dynamic split tunneling to DfltGrpPolicy

Step 4

Create the FlexConfig policy that deploys these objects.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Either click New Policy, or if an existing FlexConfig policy should be assigned to (or is already assigned to) the target devices, simply edit that policy.

    When creating a new policy, assign the target devices to the policy in the dialog box where you name the policy.

  3. Use Ctrl+Click to select the FlexConfig objects in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add them to the policy.

    The objects should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

  4. Use drag and drop to ensure that the objects are in the correct order.

    The object that creates the custom attribute object must come before the objects that assign that attribute to the group policies. Otherwise, if you try to add a custom attribute that does not yet exist, you will get an error.

    The list should look like the following if you have a single object that configures your custom group policies:

    FlexConfig objects list.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you have not yet assigned all the targeted devices to the policy, click the Policy Assignments link below Save and make the assignments now.

  7. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the objects look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For the dynamic split tunnel commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
     anyconnect-custom-attr dynamic-split-exclude-domains description traffic for these domains will not be sent to the VPN headend
     anyconnect-custom-data dynamic-split-exclude-domains excludeddomains,
    group-policy sales attributes
     anyconnect-custom dynamic-split-exclude-domains value excludeddomains

Step 5

Deploy your changes.

Step 6

Verify the configuration.

  • You can verify the commands were configured on each FTD device. Use an SSH session to the device, or the CLI tool in FMC (System > Health > Monitor, click the device, then Advanced Troubleshooting and select the Threat Defense CLI tab). Following are the commands that will show the configuration.

    • show running-config webvpn

    • show running-config anyconnect-custom-data

    • show running-config group-policy name , where you replace name with a group policy name such as sales.

  • You can verify the system is behaving correctly from an AnyConnect client. Open the client statistics, and the Dynamic Tunnel Exclusions field should show the list of domain names that you are excluding.

Remove Dynamic Split Tunneling Using FlexConfig

If you no longer want to use split tunneling, you must create a FlexConfig object to remove the configuration from the devices to which you deployed the feature. Simply removing the FlexConfig objects from the FlexConfig policy is not sufficient.


Step 1

Create the deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that removes the custom attribute from each group policy that uses it, then deletes the attribute.

You must first remove the attribute from custom policies before you delete it. If you try to delete an attribute that is currently being used, the system will prevent you and you will see a deployment error. So, you must insert the commands in the right order for this object to work correctly.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Disable_Dynamic_Split_Tunnel.

    • Deployment—Select Once. These commands need to be configured one time.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to remove the custom attribute from each group policy that uses it, and then delete the custom attribute. For example, if the custom attribute is used by the sales group policies, and the attribute is named excludeddomains, the commands would be the following:

      group-policy sales attributes
       no anyconnect-custom dynamic-split-exclude-domains
      no anyconnect-custom-data dynamic-split-exclude-domains excludeddomains
       no anyconnect-custom-attr dynamic-split-exclude-domains

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object to remove dynamic split tunneling.

Step 2

Edit the FlexConfig policy to remove the dynamic split tunneling objects and add the object that removes the configuration.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Edit the FlexConfig policy.

  3. In the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list, click the delete icon for each of the dynamic split tunnel objects, the ones that enable the custom attribute and then add the attribute to the group policies.

  4. Select the FlexConfig object that disables dynamic split tunneling in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add it to the policy.

    The object should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

    The list should look like the following:

    FlexConfig list for removing dynamic split tunneling.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the objects look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For the dynamic split tunnel commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
    group-policy sales attributes
     no anyconnect-custom dynamic-split-exclude-domains
    no anyconnect-custom-data dynamic-split-exclude-domains excludeddomains
     no anyconnect-custom-attr dynamic-split-exclude-domains

Step 3

Deploy your changes.

LDAP Attribute Maps for AnyConnect Configuration

If you use Active Directory (AD)/LDAP for authenticating remote access VPN users, you can use LDAP attribute maps to adjust the AnyConnect configuration and behavior based on attributes returned from the AD/LDAP server.

About LDAP Attribute Maps

An LDAP attribute map equates attributes that exist in the Active Directory (AD)/LDAP server with Cisco attribute names. Then, when the AD/LDAP server returns authentication to the FTD device during remote access VPN connection establishment, the FTD device can use the information to adjust how the AnyConnect client completes the connection.

For example, you can map the AD/LDAP memberOf attribute to the Cisco Group-Policy attribute. You would then equate the values you would get from AD/LDAP to the names of RA VPN group policies that you have defined for the VPN. If the FTD device finds a Group-Policy attribute for a user, AnyConnect will try to establish the RA VPN connection using that group policy name.

After you create an LDAP attribute map, you then attach it to the AD/LDAP server configuration. Thus, you can have different maps for different AD/LDAP servers: the maps are not tied directly to the RA VPN connection profile or group policies.

You can find a list of supported Cisco attributes for LDAP authorization in the ASA 8.4/8.6 Configuration Guide,

From versions 6.7 or later, you can configure this feature using the FMC UI. For more information, see Configure RA VPN with LDAP Authentication and Authorization for FTD. For older versions of FMC you need to configure it using FlexConfig as instructed in Control Group Policy Usage with LDAP Attribute Maps.

Control Group Policy Usage with LDAP Attribute Maps

A typical use for LDAP attribute maps is to control the group policy that is assigned to a user based on the user’s AD/LDAP group membership. To do this, you map values of the memberOf AD/LDAP attribute to values of the Cisco Group-Policy attribute.

As an overview, to use an LDAP map, you must:

  1. Create the map using the ldap attribute-map name command, where name is the name of the map, not the name of an attribute.

  2. Map an AD/LDAP attribute to a Cisco attribute, by name, using the map-name ldap_attribute_name Cisco_attribute_name command.

  3. Map the values you expect to see in the AD/LDAP attribute to relevant values in the Cisco attribute, using the map-value ldap_attribute_name ldap_value Cisco_value command.

  4. Attach the LDAP attribute map to one or more AD/LDAP server using the ldap-attribute-map name command. Notice the subtle difference between the command that adds a map to the AD/LDAP server and the command that creates the map itself. The only difference is that the entire command is hyphenated, whereas the base command that creates the map is simply ldap . Note that you need to use the aaa-server name host server_address command to enter the right mode to attach the map.

The following procedure explains the end to end process.

Before you begin

This procedure should work with any AnyConnect version.

This example assumes you have already configured remote access VPN and it is functioning correctly. The VPN must use AD/LDAP as the authentication server, and this must be configured. You also must configure all group policies already: do not configure them in FlexConfig.

The goal is to map users to the following RA VPN group policies:

  • APP-SSL-VPN Managers (AD/LDAP) users should use the group policy named LabAdminAccessGroupPolicy.

  • Engineering (AD/LDAP) users should use the group policy named VPNAccessGroupPolicy.


Step 1

Create the deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that creates the LDAP map, including attribute/value mappings. This object creates the map only, it does not assign the map to an AD/LDAP server.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Create_LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access.

    • Deployment—Select Once. These commands need to be configured one time.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to create the LDAP map, map the AD/LDAP attribute to a Cisco attribute, and then map values for that attribute (as returned from AD/LDAP) to values that are meaningful for the Cisco attribute.

      In the following example:

      • LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access is the name of the LDAP attribute map. This can be any name you want.

      • memberOf is the name of an AD/LDAP attribute, which is defined in the server itself. This is not a random string.

      • Group-Policy is the name of a Cisco attribute, and is also not a random string.

      • CN=APP-SSL-VPN Managers,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com is a value you expect AD/LDAP to return in the memberOf attribute during authentication. This string is based on how your AD/LDAP server is configured. This string indicates that the user is a member of the APP-SSL-VPN Managers user group.

      • LabAdminAccessGroupPolicy is the name of a group policy that you have defined in FMC and that you are using in the RA VPN connection profile. This string must match the name of an existing group policy.

      • CN=Engineering,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com is a value you expect returned in the memberOf attribute. This string indicates that the user is a member of the Engineering user group.

      • VPNAccessGroupPolicy is the name of a group policy that already exists and is used in the RA VPN.

      The commands for this configuration would be the following:

      ldap attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access
       map-name memberOf Group-Policy
       map-value memberOf CN=APP-SSL-VPN Managers,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com LabAdminAccessGroupPolicy
       map-value memberOf CN=Engineering,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com VPNAccessGroupPolicy 

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object that creates an LDAP attribute map.

Step 2

Create the deploy-everytime/append FlexConfig object that assigns the map to an AD/LDAP server.

Because you define the AD/LDAP realm directly in Firepower Management Center, your FlexConfig changes to the realm will be removed during each deployment. Therefore, you must configure them again at the end of each deployment job.

On the FlexConfig Objects page, click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

  • Name—The object name. For example, Attach_LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access.

  • Deployment—Select Everytime.

  • Type—Keep the default, Append.

  • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to assign the map to the AD server used for the RA VPN.

    In the following example:

    • LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access is the name of the LDAP attribute map you created in the previous FlexConfig object.

    • ad_realm is the name of the AD/LDAP realm you are using in the RA VPN, and is the IP address of a server in the realm. In this example, we assume there is just one server. If there are more, you need to repeat the aaa-server and subsequent ldap-attribute-map commands for each server. Note that the realm name could be anything you choose, but for this command, it must exactly match the name of the realm you created and used in the RA VPN connection you are modifying. The server address likewise must be one that is actually configured within the realm.

    The commands for this configuration would be the following:

    aaa-server ad-realm host 
     ldap-attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access

The object should look similar to the following:

FlexConfig object to assign the LDAP attribute map to the AD/LDAP server.

Step 3

Create the FlexConfig policy that deploys these objects.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Either click New Policy, or if an existing FlexConfig policy should be assigned to (or is already assigned to) the target devices, simply edit that policy.

    When creating a new policy, assign the target devices to the policy in the dialog box where you name the policy.

  3. Use Ctrl+Click to select the FlexConfig objects in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add them to the policy.

    The objects should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

  4. Use drag and drop to ensure that the objects are in the correct order.

    The object that creates the LDAP attribute map must come before the object that assigns the map to an AD/LDAP server. Otherwise, if you try to assign an LDAP attribute map that does not yet exist, you will get an error.

    The list should look like the following:

    FlexConfig objects list.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you have not yet assigned all the targeted devices to the policy, click the Policy Assignments link below Save and make the assignments now.

  7. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the objects look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For the LDAP attribute commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ######Flex-config Appended CLI ###
    ldap attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access
     map-name memberOf Group-Policy
     map-value memberOf CN=APP-SSL-VPN Managers,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com LabAdminAccessGroupPolicy
     map-value memberOf CN=Engineering,CN=Users,OU=stbu,DC=example,DC=com VPNAccessGroupPolicy
    aaa-server ad-realm host 
     ldap-attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access

Step 4

Deploy your changes.

Step 5

Verify the configuration.

You can verify the commands were configured on each FTD device. Use an SSH session to the device, or the CLI tool in FMC (System > Health > Monitor, click the device, then Advanced Troubleshooting and select the Threat Defense CLI tab). Following are the commands that will show the configuration.

  • show running-config aaa-server displays the AD/LDAP server configuration.

  • show running-config ldap displays the attribute map.

Remove LDAP Attribute Maps

If you no longer want to use the LDAP attribute map, you must create a FlexConfig object to remove the configuration from the devices to which you deployed the feature. Simply removing the FlexConfig objects from the FlexConfig policy is not sufficient.

However, for a quick fix if you are encountering a problem, you could simply remove the FlexConfig object that assigns the map to the AD/LDAP server and deploy changes. The deployment process removes any modifications made to managed features, so the ldap-attribute-map command that assigns the map to the server will be removed. This means that the map will continue to exist in the device configuration, but it will not be used by any AD/LDAP server.

The following procedure explains how to remove the map.


Step 1

Create the deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that deletes the LDAP attribute map.

Normally, you must first remove any commands that use an object before you delete the object. However, because the AD/LDAP realm is a managed feature, the deployment job will have already removed those commands. Thus, you simply must delete the attribute map.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Delete_LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access.

    • Deployment—Select Once. These commands need to be configured one time.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features. This is particularly important because you are depending on the deployment job to remove commands that use the LDAP attribute map.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the command needed to delete the LDAP attribute map. Note that you do not need to remove the contents of the map. You simply delete the map and its contents are also removed. For example, if the map is named LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access, the command would be the following:

      no ldap attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object to delete the LDAP attribute map.

Step 2

Edit the FlexConfig policy to remove the objects that create and assign the LDAP attribute map, and add the object that deletes the map.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Edit the FlexConfig policy.

  3. In the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list, click the delete icon for the objects that create and assign the LDAP attribute map.

  4. Select the FlexConfig object that deletes the map in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add it to the policy.

    The object should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

    The list should look like the following:

    FlexConfig objects list.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the objects look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For this example, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
    no ldap attribute-map LDAP_Map_for_VPN_Access

Step 3

Deploy your changes.

Customize the AnyConnect Icon and Logo

You can customize the icon and logo for the AnyConnect app on Windows and Linux client machines. The names of the icons are pre-defined, and there are specific limits to the file type and size for the images you upload.

Although you can use any filename if you deploy your own executable to customize the GUI, this example assumes you are simply swapping icons and logos without deploying a fully-customized framework.

There are a number of images you can replace, and their file names differ based on platform. For complete information on customization options, file names, types, and sizes, please see the chapter on customizing and localizing the AnyConnect client and installer in the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Guide. For example, the chapter for the 4.8 client is available at:


You can do this customization with any FTD device, regardless of which tool you use to manage it. However, FlexConfig for these commands will work in FMC only.

Before you begin

For the purposes of this example, we will replace the following images for Windows clients. Note that if your image is a different size than the maximum, the system will automatically resize it to the maximum, and stretch the image if necessary.

  • app_logo.png

    This application logo image is the application icon, and it can have a maximum size of 128 x 128 pixels.

  • company_logo.png

    This company logo image appears in the top-left corner of the tray flyout and Advanced dialogs. The maximum size is 97 x 58 pixels.

  • company_logo_alt.png

    The alternative company logo image appears in the bottom-right corner of the About dialog box. The maximum size is 97 x 58 pixels.

To upload these files, you must place them on a server that the FTD device can access. You can use a TFTP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, or SCP server. The URLs to get images from these files can include paths and uesrname/password, as required by your server setup. This example will use TFTP.


Step 1

Upload the image files to each FTD device that is acting as an RA VPN headend that should use the customized icons and logos.

  1. Log into the device CLI using an SSH client.

  2. In the CLI, enter the system support diagnostic-cli command to enter diagnostic CLI mode.

    > system support diagnostic-cli
    Attaching to Diagnostic CLI ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.
    Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.



    Read the message! You must press Ctrl+a, then d, to get out of the diagnostic CLI and back into the normal FTD CLI mode.

  3. Note the command prompt. The normal CLI uses > only, whereas the diagnostic CLI’s user EXEC mode uses the hostname plus >. In this example, ftdv1>. You need to get into privileged EXEC mode, which uses # as the ending character, for example, ftdv1#. If your prompt already has #, skip this step. Otherwise, enter the enable command, and simply press Enter at the password prompt without entering a password.

    ftdv1> enable
  4. Use the copy command to copy each file from the hosting server to the FTD device’s disk0. You can place them in a subdirectory, such as disk0:/anyconnect-images/. You can create a new folder using the mkdir command.

    For example, if the TFTP server’s IP address is, and you want to create a new directory, the commands would be similar to the following. Note that responses to the copy command are omitted after the first example.

    ftdv1# mkdir disk0:anyconnect-images 
    Create directory filename [anyconnect-images]? yes 
    Created dir disk0:/anyconnect-images
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    Accessing tftp://!!!!!!
    Writing file disk0:/anyconnect-images/app_logo.png...
    12288 bytes copied in 1.000 secs (12288 bytes/sec)
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 

Step 2

Use the import webvpn command in the diagnostic CLI to instruct AnyConnect to download these images when installing itself on client machines.

import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win name filename disk0:/directoryname/filename

This command is for Windows. For Linux, replace the win keyword with linux or linux-64 , as appropriate for your clients.

For example, to import the files uploaded in the previous step, and assuming we are still in the diagnostic CLI:

ftdv1# import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name app_logo.png disk0:/anyconnect-images/app_logo.png 

ftdv1# import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name company_logo.png disk0:/anyconnect-images/company_logo.png 

ftdv1# import webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name company_logo_alt.png disk0:/anyconnect-images/company_logo_alt.png 



You can do this step using FlexConfig, by entering the import webvpn commands into a deploy-once/append FlexConfig object, adding the object to a FlexConfig policy, and then assigning the FlexConfig policies to the relevant FTD devices. However, since you must get into the diagnostic CLI privileged EXEC mode on each device to upload the images, it is practical to import them at the same time.

Step 3

Verify the configuration:

  • To verify the imported files, use the show import webvpn AnyConnect-customization command in the diagnostic CLI privileged EXEC mode.

  • To verify that the images were downloaded to a client, they should appear when the user runs the client. You can also check the following folder on Windows clients, where %PROGRAMFILES% typically resolves to c:\Program Files.

    %PROGRAMFILES%\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\res

What to do next

If you want to return to the default images, use the revert webvpn command (in the diagnostic CLI privileged EXEC mode) for each image you customized. You can do this in a deploy-once/append FlexConfig, which makes more sense because you would probably be doing this after running the RA VPN for some time. FlexConfig would save you the effort of making SSH connections to each device, and let you accomplish the task in a single deployment job. The command is:

revert webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win name filename

As with import webvpn , replace win with linux or linux-64 if you customized those client platforms, and issue the command separately for each image filename you imported. For example:

ftdv1# revert webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name app_logo.png 

ftdv1# revert webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name company_logo.png 

ftdv1# revert webvpn AnyConnect-customization type resource platform win 
name company_logo_alt.png 

Configure AnyConnect Modules and Profiles Using FlexConfig

The AnyConnect package includes modules for a variety of features, such as the AMP enabler, that you can optionally use to provide additional services to RA VPN connections. Each module includes a profile that you can edit to make the module work according to your requirements. To enable these modules and profiles on FTD, you need to use FlexConfig.

You need to configure only those modules that you intend to use. Each module has its own profile editor, which is included in the AnyConnect Profile Editor package that you can download and install on a Windows system.

Because the AnyConnect package file includes all of the modules, you do not upload the modules themselves. You only need to upload the profiles used by the modules, to customize the module behavior to work in your remote access VPN configuration.

From versions 6.7 or later, you can configure this feature using the FMC UI. For more information, see Configure Secure Client Modules on a Threat Defense using Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center.

In versions 6.4 to 6.6, you can enable Per App VPN on an FTD using FlexConfig. Use the following procedure for this configuration:

Before you begin

Before you can upload client profiles, you must do the following.

  • Download and install the stand-alone AnyConnect “Profile Editor - Windows / Standalone installer (MSI).” The installation file is for Windows only, and has the file name tools-anyconnect-profileeditor-win-<version>-k9.msi, where <version> is the AnyConnect version. For example, tools-anyconnect-win-4.8.03036-profileeditor-k9.msi. You must also install Java JRE 1.6 (or higher) before installing the profile editor. Obtain the AnyConnect profile editor from in the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client category.

  • Use the profile editors to create the profiles you need. For detailed information, see the editor’s online help.

In this example, we will upload profiles and enable all modules. The example assumes you already have a functioning RA VPN and you have created all group policies using FMC.


Step 1

Upload the profiles to each FTD device that is acting as an RA VPN headend that should use the customized module profiles.

  1. Log into the device CLI using an SSH client.

  2. In the CLI, enter the system support diagnostic-cli command to enter diagnostic CLI mode.

    > system support diagnostic-cli
    Attaching to Diagnostic CLI ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.
    Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.



    Read the message! You must press Ctrl+a, then d, to get out of the diagnostic CLI and back into the normal FTD CLI mode.

  3. Note the command prompt. The normal CLI uses > only, whereas the diagnostic CLI’s user EXEC mode uses the hostname plus >. In this example, ftdv1>. You need to get into privileged EXEC mode, which uses # as the ending character, for example, ftdv1#. If your prompt already has #, skip this step. Otherwise, enter the enable command, and simply press Enter at the password prompt without entering a password.

    ftdv1> enable
  4. Use the copy command to copy each file from the hosting server to the FTD device’s disk0. You can place them in a subdirectory, such as disk0:/modules/. You can create a new folder using the mkdir command.

    For example, if the TFTP server’s IP address is, and you want to create a new directory, the commands would be similar to the following. Note that responses to the copy command are omitted after the first example.

    ftdv1# mkdir disk0:modules 
    Create directory filename [modules]? yes 
    Created dir disk0:/modules
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp://  
    Accessing tftp://!!!
    Writing file disk0:/modules/amp.asp...
    676 bytes copied in 0.0 secs (812800 bytes/sec)
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 
    ftdv1# copy /noconfirm tftp:// 

Step 2

Create the deploy-everytime/append FlexConfig object that identifies the profiles for each module, and enables the modules for each group profile in the RA VPN.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Enable_AnyConnect_Module_Profiles.

    • Deployment—Select Everytime. Because you are altering features that are actively managed by FMC, your changes will be removed during each deployment job. Thus, you must reconfigure them every time you deploy changes.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append.

    • Object body—In the object body, enter the commands needed to identify the profiles, enable the modules, and apply the profiles for each group policy that should use them. The commands you must configure are:

      • anyconnect profiles profile_name file_location

        This command, in webvpn configuration mode, specifies the name of the profile, and the complete path and filename of the profile on the FTD device’s disk. This command makes the profile available for use by AnyConnect and its modules.

      • anyconnect modules value module_names

        This command, in group policy webvpn configuration mode, specifies the AnyConnect modules that you want to enable for the group policy. You must use this command on each group policy that should use the modules. You can specify multiple modules by separating them with commas, but no spaces.

      • Possible module names are:

        • dart —AnyConnect Diagnostics and Reporting Tool (DART)

        • nam —AnyConnect Network Access Manager

        • vpngina —AnyConnect Start Before Logon (SBL)

        • websecurity —AnyConnect Web Security Module

        • telemetry —AnyConnect Telemetry Module

        • posture —AnyConnect Posture Module

        • ampenabler —AnyConnect AMP Enabler

        • iseposture —AnyConnect ISE Posture

        • umbrella —AnyConnect Umbrella

      • anyconnect profiles value profile_name type module_name

        This command, in group policy webvpn configuration mode, specifies the profile to use for the module you enabled with the anyconnect modules command. The exception is the feedback module, which does not need to be enabled first. The module names are the same ones used in the anyconnect modules command, with the exception of vpngina , whose type is user .

      For example, the following commands configure the modules we previously uploaded for the group policy named G10. If you have additional group policies, you must repeat the command set that starts with the group-policy command for each group policy.

       anyconnect profiles ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml disk0:/modules/ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml
       anyconnect profiles amp.asp disk0:/modules/amp.asp
       anyconnect profiles feedback.fsp disk0:/modules/feedback.fsp
       anyconnect profiles iseposture.isp disk0:/modules/iseposture.isp
       anyconnect profiles nam.nsp disk0:/modules/nam.nsp
       anyconnect profiles networkvisibility.nvmsp disk0:/modules/networkvisibility.nvmsp
       anyconnect profiles vpn.xml disk0:/modules/vpn.xml
       anyconnect profiles websecurity.wso disk0:/modules/websecurity.wso
      group-policy GP10 attributes
        anyconnect modules value ampenabler,dart,iseposture,nam,nvm,umbrella,vpngina,websecurity
        anyconnect profiles value amp.asp type ampenabler
        anyconnect profiles value feedback.fsp type feedback
        anyconnect profiles value iseposture.isp type iseposture
        anyconnect profiles value nam.nsp type nam
        anyconnect profiles value networkvisibility.nvmsp type nvm
        anyconnect profiles value ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml type umbrella
        anyconnect profiles value websecurity.wso type websecurity
        anyconnect profiles value vpn.xml type user

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object for AnyConnect module and profile configuration.

Step 3

Create the FlexConfig policy that deploys this object.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Either click New Policy, or if an existing FlexConfig policy should be assigned to (or is already assigned to) the target devices, simply edit that policy.

    When creating a new policy, assign the target devices to the policy in the dialog box where you name the policy.

  3. Select the FlexConfig object in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add it to the policy.

    The object should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

    The list should look like the following:

    FlexConfig objects list.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have not yet assigned all the targeted devices to the policy, click the Policy Assignments link below Save and make the assignments now.

  6. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the object looks correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For these commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    ###Flex-config Appended CLI ###
     anyconnect profiles ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml disk0:/modules/ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml
     anyconnect profiles amp.asp disk0:/modules/amp.asp
     anyconnect profiles feedback.fsp disk0:/modules/feedback.fsp
     anyconnect profiles iseposture.isp disk0:/modules/iseposture.isp
     anyconnect profiles nam.nsp disk0:/modules/nam.nsp
     anyconnect profiles networkvisibility.nvmsp disk0:/modules/networkvisibility.nvmsp
     anyconnect profiles vpn.xml disk0:/modules/vpn.xml
     anyconnect profiles websecurity.wso disk0:/modules/websecurity.wso
    group-policy GP10 attributes
      anyconnect modules value ampenabler,dart,iseposture,nam,nvm,umbrella,vpngina,websecurity
      anyconnect profiles value amp.asp type ampenabler
      anyconnect profiles value feedback.fsp type feedback
      anyconnect profiles value iseposture.isp type iseposture
      anyconnect profiles value nam.nsp type nam
      anyconnect profiles value networkvisibility.nvmsp type nvm
      anyconnect profiles value ACManifestUmbrella-01.xml type umbrella
      anyconnect profiles value websecurity.wso type websecurity
      anyconnect profiles value vpn.xml type user

Step 4

Deploy your changes.

What to do next

Because you are making changes to managed features, to remove the module configuration, simply delete the FlexConfig object from the FlexConfig policy, then redeploy the configuration. The deployment job will remove the configuration changes.

If you want to remove the profiles from the devices, you must log into each device’s CLI and use the delete command in privileged EXEC mode in the diagnostic CLI.

Application-Based (Per App) Remote Access VPN on Mobile Devices

When you support mobile devices, such as phones running Android or iOS, you can use Mobile Device Manager (MDM) applications to fine-tune VPN access so that only supported applications are allowed to use the VPN tunnel. By restricting the remote access VPN to approved applications, you can reduce the load on the VPN headend and also protect the corporate network from malicious applications installed on these mobile devices.

To use a per-app remote access VPN, you must install and configure a third-party MDM application. It is in the MDM that you define the list of approved applications that can be used over the VPN tunnel. Explaining how to configure and use the third-party MDM that you select is outside the scope of this document.

From versions 7.0 or later, you can configure this feature using the FMC UI. For more information, see Configure Application-Based Remote Access VPN (Per App VPN) on Mobile Devices Using Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center.

In versions 6.4 to 6.7, you can enable Per App VPN on an FTD using FlexConfig. The following topics explain how to enable per-app VPN on the FTD headend using FlexConfig, so that your MDM can apply your policies on mobile devices.

About Application-Based (Per App) VPNs

When you use AnyConnect to establish a VPN connection from a mobile device, all the traffic including the traffic from personal applications is routed through the VPN.

If you instead want to route corporate applications only through the VPN, so that non-corporate traffic is excluded from the VPN, you can use Per App VPN to select which applications should be tunneled through the VPN.

You configure Per App VPN using the perapp AnyConnect custom attribute. Adding this attribute to a remote access VPN group profile automatically limits the tunnel to the explicitly identified applications. Traffic from all other applications is automatically excluded from the tunnel.

Configuring Per App VPN has the following main benefits:

  • Performance—It limits traffic in the VPN to the traffic that needs to go to the corporate network. Thus, you free up resources at the head end of the RA VPN.

  • Protection—Because only traffic from approved applications is allowed, it protects the corporate tunnel from unapproved malicious applications that a user might unwittingly install on the mobile device. Because these applications are not included in the tunnel, traffic from them is never sent to the head end.

The Mobile Device Manager (MDM) running on the mobile endpoint enforces the PerApp VPN policy on the applications.

Determining the Application IDs for Mobile Apps

Before configuring the FTD headend to allow application-based VPN from mobile devices, you need to determine which apps should be allowed in the tunnel.

We strongly recommend that you configure the per-app policy in the Mobile Device Manager (MDM) that you select to provide the service on the user’s mobile device. This greatly simplifies the headend configuration.

If you instead decide that you also want to configure the list of allowed apps on the headend, you need to determine the application IDs for each application on each type of endpoint.

The application ID, called the bundle ID in iOS, is a reverse DNS name. You can use an asterisk as a wildcard. For example, *.* indicates all applications,* indicates all Cisco applications.

To determine the application IDs:

  • Android—Go to Google Play in a web browser and select the Apps category. Click on (or hover over) an application that you want to allow, then look at the URL. The app id is in the URL, on the id= parameter. For example, the following URL is for Facebook Messenger, so the app id is com.facebook.orca.

    For applications that are not available through Google Play, such as your own applications, download a package name viewer application to extract the app ID. There are many of these applications available, one of them should provide what you need, but Cisco does not endorse any of them.

  • iOS—There is no straight-forward way to get the bundle ID. Following is one way to find it:

    1. Use a desktop web browser such as Chrome to search for the application name.

    2. In the search results, look for the link to download the app from the Apple App Store. For example, Facebook Messager would be similar to:

    3. Copy the number after the id string. In this example, 454638411.

    4. Open a new browser window, and add the number to the end of the following URL:

      For this example:

    5. You will be prompted to download a text file, usually named 1.txt. Download the file.

    6. Open the file in a text editor such as WordPad, and search for bundleId. For example:


      In this example, the bundle ID is com.facebook.Messenger. Use this as the app ID.

Once you have your list of application IDs, you can configure the policy as explained in Configure Application-Based (Per App) VPN Tunnels.

Configure Application-Based (Per App) VPN Tunnels

After you install and configure your Mobile Device Manager (MDM) software solution, you can enable application-based (per app) VPN on the FTD headend device. Once enabled on the headend, your MDM software will start controlling which applications are tunneled over the VPN to the corporate network.

Before you begin

This feature requires the AnyConnect Plus or Apex license. It works on Android and iOS devices only.

This example assumes you have already configured remote access VPN and it is functioning correctly.

You must also have already installed and configured a third-party Mobile Device Manager. You configure the applications that will be allowed in the VPN in the MDM itself, not on the FTD headend device. Instead, the best practice is to simply enable per-app VPN in FTD, then use the MDM to configure and implement your per-app policy. The following example assumes you are using this approach rather than specifying the applications on the FTD headend.


Step 1

Download the Cisco AnyConnect Enterprise Application Selector from You can find this application under the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client v4.x category.

You must be running Java 7 to run the application jar file.

Step 2

Define the Per App VPN policy using the AnyConnect Enterprise Application Selector.

We recommend that you create a simple Allow All policy, and define the allowed apps in the MDM configuration. However, you can specify a list of applications to allow and control the list from the headend. If you want to include specific applications, create a separate rule for each application, using a unique friendly name and the application’s app ID. For information on getting the app IDs, see Determining the Application IDs for Mobile Apps.

The following procedure explains how to create an Allow All policy that supports both Android and iOS platforms.

  1. In the AnyConnect Enterprise Application Selector, select Android as the platform type, then fill in the following options:

    • Friendly Name—Something meaningful, such as Allow_All.

    • App ID—Enter *.* to match all possible applications.

    • Ignore all other fields. These are used to fine to a policy to exact applications and versions.

    Allow all Android apps policy.

  2. Select iOS as the platform type, then fill in the following options:

    • Friendly Name—Something meaningful, such as Allow_All.

    • App ID—Enter *.* to match all possible applications.

    • Ignore all other fields.

    Allow all iOS apps policy.

  3. Select Policy > View Policy.

    You will get an unreadable base64 string. This string actually contains an encrypted XML file that the FTD system will unpack to see the policies you created. You will use a copy of this string in subsequent steps.

    Base64 string that defines the per app policy.

Step 3

Create the deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that creates the perapp custom attribute and assigns to the attribute the per-app base64 policy created in the AnyConnect Enterprise Application Selector.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Per_App_Allow_All_Policy.

    • Deployment—Select Once. These commands need to be configured one time.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append. The commands are sent to the device after the commands for directly-supported features.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to create an attribute of the type perapp, then add the data, which is an attribute name and the base64 policy string. Note that the data element is limited to 420 characters, so if the base64 string is longer than that, you must divide it and use multiple anyconnect-custom-data commands. When you use multiple data commands for a given variable, the second and subsequent commands are simply appended to the initial data string. You can either precisely cut the base64 string at 420 characters, or just cut it into easy to handle chunks. For example, to create an attribute named perAppPolicy, and to use your Allow_All policy, the commands would be the following. Note that the description is optional, but if included, it is not a separate command but part of the anyconnect-custom-attr command. (Note that in this example line returns are added to enhance readability.)

       anyconnect-custom-attr perapp description Per-App Allow All VPN Policy 
       anyconnect-custom-data perapp perAppPolicy 
       anyconnect-custom-data perapp perAppPolicy 

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object to create the per app policy.

Step 4

If you use custom group policies, create a deploy-once/append FlexConfig object to configure the dynamic split tunnel custom attribute in the group policies.

If you use the default group policy, named DfltGrpPolicy, create a deploy-everytime/append FlexConfig object to configure the dynamic split tunnel custom attribute in the group policy. You must deploy this object every time, because on each deployment, the system will negate any custom changes to the default policy.

For custom group policies, unlike the default group policy, the system will not negate changes you make, so you need to deploy the changes once. If you use multiple group policies, you could use a single FlexConfig object to add the custom attribute to each policy in turn. Alternatively, you could create one FlexConfig object per group policy. The outcome will be the same, so the choice is based on your own requirements for modularizing your FlexConfig policy.

The following procedure is for the “sales” custom group policy. We recommend that you use custom groups rather than the default group.

  1. Choose Objects > Object Management.

  2. Choose FlexConfig > FlexConfig Object from the table of contents.

  3. Click Add FlexConfig Object, configure the following properties, and click Save.

    • Name—The object name. For example, Add_Per_App_VPN.

    • Deployment—Select Once.

    • Type—Keep the default, Append.

    • Object body—In the object body, type the commands needed to add the custom attribute to the group policy. For example, if the attribute you created is named perAppPolicy, and the group policy is named “sales,” the commands are:

      group-policy sales attributes 
       anyconnect-custom perapp value perAppPolicy 

    The object should look similar to the following:

    FlexConfig object to apply the per app policy to the group policies.

Step 5

Create the FlexConfig policy that deploys these objects.

  1. Choose Devices > FlexConfig.

  2. Either click New Policy, or if an existing FlexConfig policy should be assigned to (or is already assigned to) the target devices, simply edit that policy.

    When creating a new policy, assign the target devices to the policy in the dialog box where you name the policy.

  3. Use Ctrl+Click to select the FlexConfig objects in the User Defined folder in the table of contents and click > to add them to the policy.

    The objects should be added to the Selected Appended FlexConfigs list.

  4. Use drag and drop to ensure that the objects are in the correct order.

    The object that creates the custom attribute object must come before the objects that assign that attribute to the group policies. Otherwise, if you try to add a custom attribute that does not yet exist, you will get an error.

    The list should look like the following if you have a single object that configures your custom group policies:

    FlexConfig objects list.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you have not yet assigned all the targeted devices to the policy, click the Policy Assignments link below Save and make the assignments now.

  7. Click Preview Config, and in the Preview dialog box, select one of the assigned devices.

    The system generates a preview of the configuration CLI that will be sent to the device. Verify that the commands generated from the objects look correct. These will be shown at the end of the preview. Note that you will also see commands generated from other changes you have made to managed features. For these commands, you should see something similar to the following:

    FlexConfig preview.

Step 6

Deploy your changes.

Step 7

Verify the configuration.

  • You can verify the commands were configured on each FTD device. Use an SSH session to the device, or the CLI tool in FMC (System > Health > Monitor, click the device, then Advanced Troubleshooting and select the Threat Defense CLI tab). Following are the commands that will show the configuration.

    • show running-config webvpn

    • show running-config anyconnect-custom-data

    • show running-config group-policy name , where you replace name with a group policy name such as sales.

  • You can verify the system is behaving correctly from an AnyConnect client. Open the client statistics, and look for the following:

    • Tunnel Mode should say “Application Tunnel” rather than “Tunnel All Traffic.”

      AnyConnect tunnel mode.

    • Tunneled Apps should list the applications you enabled for tunneling in the MDM.

      AnyConnect tunneled apps.

What to do next

If you no longer want to use Per App VPN, you must create a FlexConfig object to remove the configuration from the FTD devices. In addition, you will need to remove the MDM; see the MDM documentation for instructions.

For the FTD headend, create a deploy-once/append FlexConfig object that contains the commands needed to remove the custom attribute from each group policy that uses it, and then delete the custom attribute. For example, if the custom attribute is used by two group policies, DfltGrpPolicy and sales, and the attribute is named perAppPolicy, the commands would be the following:

group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes 
 no anyconnect-custom perapp

group-policy sales attributes
 no anyconnect-custom perapp

no anyconnect-custom-data perapp perAppPolicy

 no anyconnect-custom-attr perapp

Then, in the FlexConfig policy, remove the objects that create and assign the attribute, and add this new object. Deploy the configuration and the per-app feature will be removed from the group policies.