#featured-projects Welcome #banner Featured projects #featured-projects All projects #all-projects Tweets & posts #tweet-blog Code samples #code-exchange Sponsorships #sponsors Featured projects https://developer.cisco.com/site/api-insights/ /images/projects/apiinsightsico.svg API Insights API Insights is an open source application, developed by Cisco, that enables developers to identify technical, documentation completeness and quality issues with APIs either before or after they go into production. API Insights also integrates with Visual Studio code out-of-the-box and can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines using the CLI. https://apiclarity.io/ /images/projects/api-clarity.png APIClarity Cloud native visibility tool for APIs. Uses a Service Mesh framework to analyze API traffic and identify potential risks. Works with OpenAPI specs. https://networkservicemesh.io /images/projects/service-mesh.png Network Service Mesh The Hybrid/Multi-cloud IP Service Mesh that frees Kubernetes Pods to network with other workloads across multiple clusters/clouds using simple APIs. https://www.mediastreamingmesh.io/ /images/projects/steaming-mesh.png Media Streaming Mesh A new concept for supporting real-time apps. MSM enables developers to focus on business logic while it facilitates microservice connectivity. https://dexidp.io/ /images/projects/dex.png Dex Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps. All projects From API visibility to machine learning to conversational AI, check out these projects for insight, inspiration and reusable code. If you want to learn more about the technology details behind these and our other projects, take a look at Cisco’s Tech Blog . Application Security https://apiclarity.io/ /images/projects/api-clarity.png APIClarity Cloud native visibility tool for APIs. Uses a Service Mesh framework to analyze API traffic and identify potential risks. Works with OpenAPI specs. Application networking https://dexidp.io/ /images/projects/dex.png Dex Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps. https://github.com/banzaicloud/logging-operator /images/projects/logging-operator.png lg Logging-Operator Automates the deployment and configuration of a Kubernetes logging pipeline. Based on Fluentd and Fluent-bit. https://github.com/banzaicloud/bank-vaults /images/projects/bank-vaults.png lg Bank-Vaults An umbrella project that provides various tools for Vault to make using Hashicorp Vault easier, including a wrapper for the official Vault client. https://github.com/banzaicloud/thanos-operator /images/projects/thanos-operator.png lg Thanos-Operator Thanos Operator is a Kubernetes operator to manage Thanos stack deployment on Kubernetes. https://github.com/banzaicloud/koperator /images/projects/koperator.png Koperator An operator for managing Apache Kafka on Kubernetes that automates the provisioning, management, and autoscaling of Apache Kafka clusters. https://github.com/banzaicloud/istio-operator /images/projects/istio-operator.png lg Istio-Operator Istio-operator is a Kubernetes operator to deploy and manage Istio resources for a Kubernetes cluster. Open infrastructure /mindmeld/ /images/projects/mindmeld.png xs MindMeld MindMeld is a Conversational AI platform in a Python-based machine learning framework. /site/opnfv/ /images/projects/opnfv.png OPNFV OPNFV (Open Platform for Network Function Virtualization) has set out to become the base infrastructure layer for running virtual network functions. https://fd.io/ /images/projects/fd.png Fast Data Project Relentlessly focused on data IO speed and efficiency for more flexible and scalable networks and storage. https://github.com/calico-vpp/ /images/projects/calico-vpp.png Calico-VPP Integration of VPP, a fast userspace networking stack, as a dataplane for Calico. https://networkservicemesh.io /images/projects/service-mesh.png Network Service Mesh The Hybrid/Multi-cloud IP Service Mesh that frees Kubernetes Pods to network with other workloads across multiple clusters/clouds using simple APIs. https://www.mediastreamingmesh.io/ /images/projects/steaming-mesh.png Media Streaming Mesh A new concept for supporting real-time apps. MSM enables developers to focus on business logic while it facilitates microservice connectivity. Infrastructure Security https://www.clamav.net /images/projects/clam-av.png ClamAV An open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats. Traffic generation & analysis https://www.snort.org/ /images/projects/snort.png Snort It is an open source intrusion prevention system capable of real-time traffic analysis and packet logging. http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/ /images/projects/trex.png TRex TRex is an open source, low cost, stateful and stateless traffic generator fuelled by DPDK. https://developer.cisco.com/codeexchange/github/repo/cisco/joy _self /images/projects/joy.png Joy A package for capturing and analyzing network flow data and intraflow data, for network research, forensics, and security monitoring. Network data models https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/ydk-py /images/projects/ydk.png YANG Development Kit The YDK can generate APIs in a variety of programming languages using YANG models. https://yangcatalog.org/ /images/projects/yang-catalog.png YANG Catalog The YANG Catalog is used to search for YANG data models. This can be used for new users who are trying to figure out which YANG data model to use. /site/opendaylight/ /images/projects/open-daylight.png OpenDaylight Provides a model-driven service abstraction layer that allows you to develop applications for a wide variety of hardware and southbound protocols. https://www.onap.org/ /images/projects/onap.png ONAP A comprehensive platform for orchestration, management, and automation of network and edge computing services. Latest tweets & blogs https://twitter.com/CiscoEmerge Blogs Scroll to view more https://techblog.cisco.com/blog/introducing-media-streaming-mesh/ Introducing Media Streaming Mesh Media Streaming Mesh is a new concept for supporting real-time applications (such as media production and multiplayer online gaming) in Kubernetes. https://www.ciscotechblog.com/authors/giles-heron/ /images/blogs/giles-heron.jpg Giles Heron https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/johann01 Flexing the Network Device API Muscles with johann – Part 1: Introduction Let me tell you story: Back in 2019, I was new in my developer relations role at Cisco DevNet, and attended one of my first developer conferences in Austria as a speaker. In my session I was showing how network devices are configured with CLI and then, of course, introduced them to NETCONF and RESTCONF. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/florianpachinger /images/blogs/Florian-Pachinger.jpg Florian Pachinger https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/johann02 Getting Data via RESTCONF – Flexing the Network Device APIs Muscles with “johann” Part 2 Did you also come across NETCONF, RESTCONF or YANG, but did not know exactly what to do with it? Why using network device APIs at all? I hope johann, which I introduced in Part 1, gives you some inspiration on the possibilities and some sort of a guideline for your own application. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/florianpachinger /images/blogs/Florian-Pachinger.jpg Florian Pachinger https://www.ciscotechblog.com/blog/dark-side-of-kubernetes-admission-webhooks/ The dark side of Kubernetes admission webhooks Admission webhooks are widely used in the Kubernetes world, but people often don’t know how easily a faulty webhook can cause unwanted outages or even worse: bring down entire clusters. https://techblog.cisco.com/authors/m%c3%a1rk-s%c3%a1gi-kaz%c3%a1r/ /images/blogs/mark-sagi-kazar.jpg Márk Sági-Kazár https://www.ciscotechblog.com/blog/whats-new-in-k8s-service-mesh-and-implications-to-devops/ What’s New in Kubernetes v1.21 and Istio 1.9 Releases and their implications on DevOps? Kubernetes and service mesh are increasingly interrelated, yet their new versions are released separately on different dates. Kubernetes and Istio’s last releases help to get a clearer understanding of the interplay between them and how one affects the other. https://techblog.cisco.com/authors/alexei-kravtsov-erez-fishhimer/ /images/blogs/alexei-kravtsov.jpg Alexei Kravtsov, Erez Fishhimer https://www.ciscotechblog.com/blog/api-security/ API Security - The Challenges & Latest Developments Using external services through APIs is routinely done to speed up development cycles in today’s microservices architecture. Unfortunately, this potentially creates additional exposure for the application. https://techblog.cisco.com/authors/alexei-kravtsov-erez-fishhimer/ /images/blogs/naor-shmuel.jpg Naor Shmuel https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/johann03 Using Django with Celery & WebSockets – Flexing the Network Device APIs Muscles with “johann” Par Welcome to Part 3 of this series of the web-based network device monitoring tool “johann.” In case you missed it, Part 1 gave you an introduction to johann. In Part2, you get a look behind the scenes of how I implemented the south-bound communication between the application and the network device with the network device API RESTCONF. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/florianpachinger /images/blogs/Florian-Pachinger.jpg Florian Pachinger https://www.ciscotechblog.com/blog/hardening-kubernetes-containers-security-with-seccomp/ Hardening Kubernetes Containers Security with Seccomp Seccomps - An often overlooked way to harden Kubernetes containers’ security is by applying seccomp profiles. Customizing seccomp profiles, in effect, provides a deeply embedded line of defense that adds a layer of protection to your application in case of breach. https://techblog.cisco.com/authors/alexei-kravtsov-erez-fishhimer/ /images/blogs/alexei-kravtsov.jpg Alexei Kravtsov, Erez Fishhimer https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/graphemephoneme01 Using a Grapheme to Phoneme Model in Cisco’s Webex Assistant Grapheme to Phoneme (G2P) is a function that generates pronunciations (phonemes) for words based on their written form (graphemes). It has an important role in automatic speech recognition systems, natural language processing, and text-to-speech engines. In Cisco’s Webex Assistant, we use G2P modelling to assist in resolving person names from voice. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/vijayramakrishnan /images/blogs/Vijay-Ramakrishnan.jpg Vijay Ramakrishnan https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/choosingtools01 Choosing Tools to Deploy and Maintain Applications and Infrastructure – Part 1 Treating your environment as a coding problem. Let’s be real… virtually every new and established business’s internal IT and customer-facing production networks use some form of automation tools to deploy and maintain applications. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/delgadm /images/blogs/Mel-Delgado.jpg Mel Delgado https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/choosingtools02 Choosing Tools to Deploy and Maintain Applications and Infrastructure – Part 2 In Part 1 of this blog, we talked about Terraform and Ansible – their respective strengths/weaknesses/purposes, and how they can be used together. In this blog we’ll dive into how you combined both Ansible and Terraform in this specific use case, with a look at sample code. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/delgadm /images/blogs/Mel-Delgado.jpg Mel Delgado https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/techinhousesofworship01 Technology in Houses of Worship In 20+ years at Cisco I’ve seen the company evolve in various aspects of technology, but also with the different facets of diversity that exist within our employee base. To be the #1 IT company, we know we must have a diverse, and inclusive, global workforce committed to technology innovation that connects us all. In doing this, Cisco continues to change the way the world works, lives, plays, and learns. https://blogs.cisco.com/author/jasondavis /images/blogs/Jason-Davis.jpg Jason Davis
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