Standard Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders

The referenced Cisco standard terms and conditions for purchase orders are effective on the date of the purchase order.

The Code of Ethics is provided below as it is directly referenced in Cisco's standard terms and conditions.

Code of Ethics

Cisco Systems, Inc., and its affiliated entities worldwide (Cisco) are committed to the highest standards of product quality and business integrity in their dealings with customers and suppliers. We begin with the principle that compliance with legal and ethical standards is everyone's job. As a result, all Cisco Suppliers, and Cisco employees, are expected to conduct themselves with the highest standards of honesty, fairness, and personal integrity, with adherence to all applicable laws and avoidance of even the perception or appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest. The Supplier Ethics Policy states Cisco's expectations for suppliers.

To help ensure that our relationships with suppliers meet and support these standards, all purchase order terms and conditions contain a link to the Code of Ethics which apply in all dealings with Cisco.

The Code of Ethics is available in the following languages: PDF Icon

Supplier Profile Form

As an integral component of Cisco's on-going supplier review process, Cisco may, at any time, require a supplier, new or existing, to complete the Supplier Profile Form. The completed Supplier Profile Form will assist Cisco in assessing the financial health of the supplier in an effort to mitigate potential risk within Cisco's supplier portfolio. Non-compliance by a supplier to complete the required Supplier Profile Form will result in a suspension of any business activity between the supplier and Cisco until such time that the supplier becomes compliant.